“Caucasians” – I’m supposed to be offended by this white Chief Wahoo? Ha!


Let’s get right to the nub of this – the Progressive Left’s attempts to force a name change of the Washington Redskins (and college / high school teams and their mascots) is simply Political Correctness (aka, really Cultural Marxism) run amok. It is “groupthink” under the rubric of “politeness” – you WILL think like us about them or we will demonize them AND you for “wrong thinking”.  In its worst incarnation, it is an attempt to only allow lockstep thinking – with them.  No opposing or conflicting philosophy or thoughts can be allowed.

It’s stupid.  It’s totalitarian. And those that practice it should be mocked.  Like those involved in this self-ginned up outrage.  And they get even more upset as poll after poll pretty much just don’t care.  Period.  So in trying to get us to “care” (we who are of the pasty white identity group), those that care about identity / victim group politics decided to FORCE the rest of us ignorant unwashed to care – with this:

caucasians_tshirt_designSo, does this “White” version of Chief Wahoo” fill you full of rage, full of anger and spite, and ready to beat the snot out of the next first base you see? Naw, me neither.  This is what happens to the Left when believe that we all do think that we all believe their race-baiting when, pretty much, we’ve all left the race-baiting (and racism) behind.

In fact, pretty much, if the small minority of agitators actually succeed in all these name changes, will they (under the banner being “helpful”) actually erase all mentions of Native Indians from our culture?

And those that practice it should be mocked.” It is pretty amusing, one must admit, when the beclown themselves, isn’t it?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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