US Supreme Hobby Lobby decision on contraceptive mandate the symptom; Bossy Democrats’ Entitlement State the disease.

by Skip

Hobby LobbyOh, the heads are exploding on the Collectivist’s side of the aisle over the US Supreme Court that the US Constitution’s defense of the Right of Religion supercedes that of an overbearing State.  And indeed, Collectivist is the proper word, but it the colloquial for Socialist, Progressive, Communitarian, Communist (or, for whatever it matters, a “current Democrat”).  Here’s a great summary of why they are SO upset – John Hayward at RedState (emphasis mine):

It’s increasingly ridiculous to use the word “liberal” to describe the modern American collectivist.  There’s nothing liberal about them at all.  They’re shooting for the ultimate subversion of liberty, by re-defining “liberty” as a form of compulsion.  In other words, they’re saying you are being oppressed unless a wise and virtuous dictatorial authority can force other people to give you what the authoritarians have decided you “deserve.”  You aren’t “free” as long as you must provide for yourself.  Liberty becomes a term used to describe its exact opposite: a set of active obligations placed upon other people.  It’s right up there with any perversion of language and thought described by George Orwell in “1984.”  Actually, it is one of the perversions he laid at Big Brother’s feet: “Freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.”

Indeed – you see brazen attempt to continue to turn traditional goodness into  wrongness and traditional values into those that will get you shunned (at best) or outcast and destitute (if they can manage to do it). You see, the Founders put one’s religious values towards their God and their Individual consciences first – Collectivists have little to no regard for anything that vies for or above their god –  the primacy of Government.  Doubt me?  Just as she diminished the work ethic of entrepreneurs by merely calling them “fortunate” and proclaiming “You didn’t build that!”, uber-Leftist US Senator Elizabeth Warren shows her disdain for the religious values over which this battle (and make mistake, this is a battle in which Collectivists are trying to treat religion like any other Tyrants do – sniffed at and condescended to and to be stamped out if at all possible.):

Redefining the language is a large part of the War – “vague moral objections” is part of it.  Diminish the value and importance of religion in a country that still, by all polls I’ve seen, thinks of itself as being as Christian nation by 76% of the population.  Decide to banish it to the extreme edges of society as if it was something she’d hold up by two fingers and say “Ewwwe!” over.  Polls also show that the Left is much more likely to unchurched and more agnostic / atheist than the Right – yet another reason to summarily dismiss others closely held beliefs.

Face it – humans have a need to believe in something and for as much as they decry the violence that religion has caused over the centuries, much, much more has been committed by those that believe they have the Right to rule over others – and just because we have a democratic style of government does not mean that this aspect is not at play right now or that totalitarianism can’t (or isn’t) happening here.  The Left is committed to the religion of The State and is as willing to fight for it as much as the muslim fundamentalists defend the honor of Mohammed.  Sure, they hold up the idea of “diversity”, but as Hayward observes, it is an Orwellian view of it – the diversity of thought is to be stamped out where ever is shows its head if it varies from that illiberal heterodoxy.

Enough here – the next is that phrase concerning “access” as in “ You aren’t “free” as long as you must provide for yourself.”  The essence of this current brand of Socialism since the time of FDR when he tried to set up a Second Bill of Rights with the underlying philosophy of “Freedom from Want” and that implies for those who are “asked” to provide it.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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