Tom Steyer wants to buy the US Senate for the Democrat Party. He has donated (so far) $18.2 million dollars in 2014 to outside spending groups to achieve that. Outside spending groups are those evil third-party interlopers the Democrats are always telling you are buying up your elections.
Steyer’s is just getting started, and he is already well past the number two donor, Mayor Mikhail Bloomberg, who has already donated 8.7 Million to outside groups. Combined they have given more to liberal third-party groups than the total contributions of the next six biggest donors.
Two really rich guys between them have funneled 27 million into third party groups and it is only July.
The Koch brothers, by the way, didn’t even make the top 100 on this list (cuz they are not Democrats I suspect) so the next time some Koch-o for Koch-o-puffs Progressive rhetoric junkie spits up Democrat narrative bile on you know the truth.
Steyer’s NexGen Climate Action is now into New Hampshire (and Shaheen) for $80,000.00, roughly double what I reported in late June. That is money he is spending to help re-elect the Democrat Senator from California, New York, Boston, Washington DC, to New Hampshire. Money from rent-seeking leftists, off-shore kingpins, and subprime lenders; GrokTALK! guest Phil Kerpen nails NexGen and the Democrat to the wall with this relevent tweet pic from earlier today.
I am not, by the way, complaining about money in politics, or left-wing use of campaign influencing mechanisms deemed legitimate. I am observing that they are lying, arrogant hypocrites who cannot be believed or trusted. Just so we are clear.