The Obama Administration and Open Borders / Anti-America activists are lying to us. Very interesting stats from American Thinker pulled from the LA Times – sorta made me think “Gosh, what the Obama Administration has been saying about WHY these illegal alien kids are coming is just like that anti-muslim video caused Benghazi”:
It is clear that the Obama Administration’s own words and policies served as an incentive to pull the illegal immigrants kids northward. And as to the weasel words about the level of violence rising in the Central American countries? Here’s the murder rates (per 100,000 population), from 2008 to 2012:
- El Salvador: from 51.7 to 41.2 (a 20% drop).
- Guatemala: from 46.1 to 39.9 (a 13% drop).
- Honduras: from 60.8 to 90.4 (a 49% increase).
- U.S. (for comparison): 5.4 to 4.7 (a 13% drop).
So, where do the American kids go to get away from American cities murder rates:
- Camden, NJ: 60.6.
- New Orleans: 57.6.
- Flint, MI: 50.8.
- Detroit: 48.2.
- Anniston, AL: 47.4.
Once again, Cloward-Piven 360 – and this one is focused on our Southern Border. Obama promised to fundamentally transform America – what better way than to cynically use little children (some of whose bodies are now being found along the Rio Grande) and then repopulate them around the entire country? They don’t know our history, our traditions, or how this country was founded on self-reliance and rugged individualism. Instead, they will see, instead of the Government that wouldn’t provide for them, a Government that will give them everything at the expense of ordinary Americans. A cynical ploy for a payoff years down the line via demagoguing the short term.
A plan that only a Chief Community Organizer can love. The Alinsky technique is to find a local community, incense them over something, stoke the anger, and then get them to storm the ramparts. Here, even as some of his former “clients” in South Chicago are railing against their perception of Obama’s betrayal of them by bringing in all these illegals and prioritizing them above their needs (Americans)), he’s smiling over this plan to replace those Americans with a new community – imports, Obama style.
God help this country.