The arrogance of Walt Havenstein


Havenstein meets Havenstein

There’s been a lot of talk about Walt Havenstein lately.  No, not because he’s a candidate for Governor.  Of course, video recently surfaced where he makes an insulting comment about the Tea Party – the very people he purports to respect and hopes (needs) to have vote for him in the coming September primary.

My fellow Groksters, Skip Murphy, Steve McDonald, Rick Olson, Mike Rogers, and Kimberly Morin each wrote about Havenstein’s comments (here, herehere, here, and here).

We bloggers each took a crack at Mr. Havenstein for these arrogant, hurtful, and pandering comments, hopefully illuminating some of his “inner-man” – raw material for voters to use in their critical decision-making process.

This type of “scandal” is not unique.  Many people experience the pain of prior comments coming back to bite them, and many politicians “step in it” along the campaign trail.  What tells you most about the character of a person is how they respond to the situation.  I spoke with a number of Tea-Party-Havenstein supporters this weekend (mostly because they worked for him at BAE) who collectively said that they hoped he would just “come out and own up to the comments”, “offer a public apology” and “get beyond it”.

So, what happens when a non-blogger, concerned, patriotic citizen (who served in the US Navy at about the same time Havenstein served in the US Marines) approaches him face-to-face regarding the gaffe?  How does Havenstein, the man, measure up on the character scale?

Note: I used the photo of Havenstein and McCain for effect.  Not only because there is a slight resemblance but because the body language and, quite frankly, the arrogance seems eerily similar.

From Dennis Hamel, on Facebook July 6th, 2014 (re-posted with permission)

“I want to report my discussion with Walter Haverstein (sic) at the CNHT Picnic yesterday. You decide.

On Wednesday (July 2nd) I had no decision on the GOP race for Governor. I did not have enough info, and planned to hear out both candidates (Andrew Hemingway and Walt Haverstein) when they spoke Saturday at the Coalition of NH Taxpayers Picnic (July 5th).  On FB sometime Thursday, I began seeing postings with video of Haverstein from 2010. (linked at the end of this post)

In the video, while speaking to a room of college students, Walt uses the Marxist-originated homosexual slur “teabaggers” to refer to members of the T.E.A. Party – a membership I have embraced since April 15th, 2008.

Haverstein’s body language and finishing smirk indicate to me that he knew EXACTLY what he had said. He used the word as a throwaway laugh line, and the college kid audience responded. The attempt to cover it with “I’m out of touch” is equally transparent.

So I thought about what I would say to him when I had the chance yesterday.

He was isolated for much of the event, with two young men flanking him most of the time. He gave a lackluster speech which was politely applauded.

Then came a point where his chaperones (sic) were away and I approached him.
This is (to the very best of my memory) exactly what was said – it is not on video, and certainly they may spin or lie about this, but it is the truth. (Bullet points next to my words hoping for clarity..)

• “Mr Haverstein, my name is Dennis Hamel, and you and I share some common experiences. For example, we both served in the Navy Dept at about the time, though I was in the senior branch of the Navy, and you chose the Marine Corps. Thank you for your service to our country (as I shook his hand).”
He responded “Your welcome”.
• I continued “But you and I also grew up in the same era, and we both know that there were ‘trigger words’ that could be used if a bully wanted to force you into a fist fight.”
He said “Of course”
• I said “ For example in some neighborhoods, any insult about your mother meant you HAD to fight. My neighborhood, that was not so common – but a guaranteed way to start a fight was to use a homosexual slur. You know the one – starts with C ten letters ending in R?”
“So we both KNOW that was a fighting word… and when the Marxist left coined the word ‘teabagger’ they intended it to be EXACTLY the same word.”
“I never heard that before.”
“REALLY? Well it is true. And when someone uses that word to refer to me, that is an invitation to a fistfight. I saw you use that word – how should I react to you?”
“Well, you should see the entire video, that was just a snippet, and you have to see the context…”
“THERE IS NO ‘context’ for that word sir.”
“What I mean is the talk was more than an hour, and you should see it all before you judge it.”
“That word was introduced because it could be said with a smirk on TV and people would know the Marxist had just called patriots a homosexual slur.”
“Well, I never knew that, and I was surprised at the reaction actually…”
“No. I watched your reaction – you used it as a throwaway laugh line.”
“I didn’t. I had no idea it was what you are saying – I never heard that.”
“Well, now that you know, how should I react when you referred to me, my wife, most of the people in this room, and millions of patriotic Americans with a homosexual slur?”
“I think you should see the whole video and judge it.”
“I THINK a very sincere and public apology is in order.”

Haverstein looked down, tilted his head slightly in an expression of negative reaction (side note: this man apparently does not know his own body language or he cannot control it).
And before he could form some weasel answer, I said “But you are not going to do that” and turned and left him.

Patriots here in New Hampshire are ENCOURAGED to copy and share this info.”


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