I listened to WMUR at 6 today as they ran a spot on Maggie’s filing for re-election for NH Governor. What I heard for being “hypocritical” was her taking credit for implementing Medicaid Expansion and the gas tax. Absolutely WRONG – she had nothing to do with it. There is no way she ehould be taking credit for it. Or any other Democrat either.
Republicans are responsible for them. Specifically NH State Senator Chuck Morse, NH State Senator Jeb Bradley, NH State Senator Nancy Stiles, and NH State Senator Odell, who did the heavy lifting for this Democrat issue. And yes, NH State Senator Rausch did the lifting for raising the gas tax. Both items are contra the NH GOP Platform. Which is why this email missive is so exasperating. Consistency, this ain’t:
For Immediate Release: June 12, 2014
Contact: Lauren Zelt, (603) 225-9341HYPOCRITE HASSAN FILES FOR RE-ELECTION
Concord – New Hampshire Republican State Committee Chairman Jennifer Horn today released the following statement on Governor Maggie Hassan filing for re-election:
“Maggie Hassan’s reckless and hypocritical tenure as governor negates her campaign promises of fiscal responsibility. She ignores emergency policies in place, because of her blind pursuit of a big-government agenda, by taking Democrat lobbyists on a taxpayer-funded vacation to pay them back for raising campaign cash for her with Vice President Biden. Hassan openly embraces ObamaCare…
Consistency breeds Trust which yields Votes. I would love to see a Republican in the corner office, but if an NH GOP press release can’t even be Consistent with current events (or which is probably more true, a complete denial via simple political stupidity).
This is a prime example of what drives the base so nuts – a declaration of “our s*** don’t stink but boy, the other Party’s does” when it is so obvious that you BOTH are doing the same thing.
Junior Partners of the Democrat Party
Least Lackeys of the Welfare State
Just because Republicans might be able to manage it better STILL doesn’t make it a good thing to do in the first place. But that’s what Party Leaderships wants us to believe. I guess they all have to be Cantorized to figure this lesson out.