Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Obama is notoriously thin skinned – I wonder if ANY one in his staff would DARE show this to him? I also wonder if Mad Magazine has already lawyered and accountant’d up – will the IRS send in their SWAT team for dissing the LightBringer? Seriously, did the Brainiacs in the White House think that this was going to “Wag the Dog” away the VA Scandal?
All this is doing is showing that core fundamental of Progressivism, that these Lefty technocrats can run EVERYTHING in Big Government without a hitch, has and always will be flawed. There is no such thing as “we just haven’t had the right people to implement it yet” – ’cause even if you were THAT lucky, what happens when they retire?
I also wonder how many people are recalling that meme: is there a reason why Obama seems to treat Muslims (especially Islamists abroad) better than Christians in his own country? After all, HOW many lawsuits, just from Obamacare alone, have been filed as government has either outright transgressed, trampled, or tried to limit the free expression of religion in everyday life?
(H/T: Mad Magazine via Instapundit)