Is Jeanne Shaheen ‘Really’ Interested in Looking Out For Vets?

Steve MacDonald

bergdahl va no one left behindYou remember that VA Accountability Bill that flew through the US House with bi-partisan support?  It died in the US Senate, at the hands of Senator Bernie Sanders, Democrat Independent – VT.   Sanders chairs the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee.  The bill, a whopping 351 words long (words, not pages) would have made it possible to hold VA mangers accountable.  Sanders Killed it.

The legislation had already sailed through the House with bipartisan support. The American Legion and other vet groups backed it.

Sanders objected that he hadn’t read it. Rubio offered to wait while he did. Rubio could have held his breath. The bill is only 351 words long.

Rubio insists that a new VA director has to be able to “fire executives underneath him if they haven’t done their job – a power he doesn’t have right now.”

But Sanders killed the bill, saying he wants to keep the “due process” rules – months of hearings and paperwork – that currently make firing federal workers and teachers a long, costly ordeal.

Dr. Besty McCaughey also tells us that Sanders currently has a bill that would actually protect the VA from productivity benchmarks and would also drive up the department’s budget to the benefit of bonus receiving managers and Union employees who strongly back Democrats Independents like Sanders.

Bernie Sanders is standing up for unions and VA managers, and preventing accountability.

Bernie also has a Leadership PAC.  It’s got one of those vague, Independent-Senator sort of names.  It is called ‘Progressive voters of America.’ It donates large sums to the VT Democrat party, Democrat committees, Democrat candidates.

In 2012 Sanders PAC donated $2000.00 dollars each to Carol Shea-Porter, and Ann McLane Kuster.  Paul Hodes even got $2K in 2010.

In 2014, the same PAC has given $5,000.00 dollars to New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen.  (She can put it next to the Koch money she got from Mark Pryor and Mary Landrieu, and any coal riches the rent-seeking energy opportunist Tom Steyer sends her way.)

Bernie Sanders did his best to prevent accountability at the VA, while working to pass legislation that would enlarge it an maintain the business as usual attitudes that cost vets their lives (An attitude his union buddies at the VA support.)  Senator Shaheen took his money.  Maybe she should give it back.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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