The left’s smear campaign against the otherwise unknown Koch brothers is nothing more than the same old Alinsky tactics. Pick a target, freeze it, and then,….act like a lying, two-faced, hypocrite–truth be told.
Need a fresh example? Koch Industries and its “evil” affiliates are one of Democrat US Senator Mary Landrieu’s top donors. They’ve given her plenty of cash over the years. In this election cycle, Koch Industries has already given her $15,000.00 and it’s only March.
And guess who one of the recipients of cash from Mary Landrieu’s Leadership PAC is?
Jeanne Shaheen. She got $5,000.00 from Landrieu.
Then there’s Mark Pryor, also a Democrat Senator who is #addictedtokoch. He gave Landrieu $5,000.00 and Shaheen $10,000.00…in the 2014 election cycle.
It already seems inappropriate for the New Hampshire Democrat party to rage about big money in politics as it is, so when they “go off their meds” on the Koch brothers the hypocrisy meter snaps to life. But to have their precious Jeanne Shaheen taking money from Senators dripping in donations from Koch industries, while they rail on and on about how the Koch brothers are “buying up elections” is…well, priceless.
(And this on the heels of the revelation that Enviro-junkie Shaheen also takes money from a petroleum industry lobbyist as well…shame.)