As regular readers know, GraniteGrok has been working (thanks mostly to Ed & Steve) on Voter Fraud for quite some time. In that action, we have a lot of friends all over the State that have sent in tips and gathered voter rolls / checklists to help out. One such friend sent this in after seeing Steve’s posts on Dan Innis (here and here):
Hi Skip,
Read the article on GG about Dan Innis. Just so you know, we have a couple of old voter lists (2012 and 2013) of Rockingham Country voters so I just checked them for the heck of it and found that both of them have Mr. Innis as a registered “undeclared”. As recent as March 2013 he was still undeclared. Apparently, he became a Republican some time last summer or in early fall just in time to declare his candidacy. This is the Establishment guy and I am very offended that after all the years of fighting Democrats [my Party] now wants me to support one… I think he is laughing his ass off at us being this dumb…
Well, I know that Jake Wagner is working on his campaign, fervently last I knew and in my dealings with him, I would definitely have him as a “Republican Republican for the sake of the Party” (with a handle of Radical RINO, whodda thunk it; previous posts here and here) rather than even a “moderate conservative”. Such supporters would not volunteer, for the most part, for very conservative candidates if ideology is the only measure.