“This is a moment when we need a Churchill and what we have is the man who sent Churchill’s bust home.”
For the want of a bust AND WHAT HE STOOD FOR, a country is being lost.
Putin in Crimea, Putin in Ukraine, Boko Haram in Africa, Al Qaeda in Yemen, Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan, political upheaval in Europe (the Euro TEA Party), Socialism in Venezuala is approaching crisis points, Iran is still working on the bomb and North Korea is still working on ICBMs to deliver the bomb they already have. Foreign policy is a bust under Obama.
And Churchill united his people in the face of disaster – while the Chief-Community-Organizer is also the Chief-Divisor for mere political gain in pitching one Democrat identity group against another and, having weaponized the Federal Government (e.g., the IRS, FEC, DOJ, Labor Dept), he uses it against his political enemies (e.g., for the first time ever, Dr. Ben Carson underwent not one but TWO IRS audits after speaking about Obama’s policies at the Prayer Breakfast where Obama was just a few feet from the podium). Record debt, record taxation, record regulatory environment, federalization of the entire country and killing off one of American Exceptionalism pillars – Federalism. I could go on and on, but domestic policy is a bust under Obama.
It’s all a bust, but the real bust is the guy that sent the bust back.