Parts I and Part II here and here.
Well, after receiving the utterly lame excuse of a CYA letter from Gilford SAU (School Administrative Unit) 73 Superintendent Kent Hemingway and reading that which he wanted us all to believe “exonerated” and held the School Board and himself blameless of allow Teen Porn be made mandatory reading in a Freshman High School Class, I had to respond. To recap, here is that letter:
and my response:
From: Skip
To: Kent Hemingway
Sent: 5/2/2014 9:28:43 PM
Subject: Fw: RE: So this is what is taught in our High School and bought with my taxes??
Good to know – my school district leadership approves of “kiddie porn”. My plan is to make this situation and your answer go national – that you and the Gilford School Board approve of putting this material in front of young teens. I agree with Barbara’s take on this – instead of soaring Classics, it is SO encouraging to know that the mission of the Gilford School system is to give our students a morality dumbed down.
And you wonder why the homeschooling movement is gaining momentum? That the charter school is starting to eat the public system’s lunch?
Yes, Kiddie porn – how old is that girl in the book, Kent? I would think underage, right? And to think that you would have us believe that just because it has had tacit approval since 2007 makes it “acceptable”?
Under the State of NH’s RSA 91-A Right to Know law, I am requesting any and all email, correspondence, lesson plans, minutes of meeting, and any other messaging, planning, and deployment information or materials from 2006 onward pertaining to the use of this book’s usage in any of the schools within SAU 73. Electronic media of these materials are preferred.
Also under this request, I am especially looking for any discussions (and the results thereof) as to what moral and philosophical underpinnings of putting this into the school system. Included in that was any discussion as to the possible ramifications of parental reactions to it. Thus, included in this request should be any emails or hardcopies of letters from parents or other interested persons living in Gilford or Gilmanton.
Given that this is Friday night, I expect that the response clock will start ticking Monday morning.