I became aware of why William Baer (“Billy”) ended up getting arrested last night – the book “Nineteen Minutes” and its depiction of two teens having rough sex as well as violence acts came to my attention this past Thursday – am late blogging this mostly because of the NH GOP Annual Meeting and all the video from it (just keep scrolling down and to previous page as well; I have taken some notes on what was said and will have more to say on it later). Yes, the people that were letting me know were outraged on two accounts:
- the book itself
- the reckless attitude shown towards parents by the School Board, the Superintendent, and the school staff
So I quickly dashed off an email to the
- The Chair and Vice-Chair of our Budget Committee (yeah, my taxes are paying for this smut)
- The Selectment (not that they can do much as the School Board is a separate entity, legally and tax-wise)
- The Superintendent – Kent Hemingway
I would have emailed each of the School Board, but the cowards no longer post their email addresses on their own website (ever conscious of their constituents, I guess). BTW, the teacher behind this can be reached here: Gail Hutchison
PLEASE NOTE!!!!: I am breaking my own Rule #1 after the jump, but without the evidence, why bother? NSFW if someone comes reading over your shoulder
From: Skip
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 10:55 PM
To:<BudComm>, <Selectmen>, khemingway@sau73.org
Subject: So this is what is taught in our High School and bought with my taxes??
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 10:55 PM To:<BudComm>, <Selectmen>, khemingway@sau73.org Subject: So this is what is taught in our High School and bought with my taxes??
To our elected (and appointed) Gilford Leaders,
Note: I would have used individual emails for all except our websites (town, school district) have decided to make it harder to reach those that we have chosen to goven by no longer provide email addresses.
A theme upon which I will be opining on later,
So the following has been sent to me by a friend on the hope I would do something about it. I am outraged that not only was a lesson plan conceived, designed, and deployed using “teen porn” but it was aimed at a FRESHMEN class. Some might think that this is “just the way it is – get over it”
Ah yes: “get over it” – the favorite saying of Joe Wernig; I’ll have to find the video. He’s a “schoolie” – he’d be willing to lay down in front of a ‘dozer if he thought it would protect even the smallest scintilla of Government. In fact, I bet that if the ultra-Libertarian Utopia were to happen to appear, his heart would give out. Yeah, he doesn’t like me, a limited govt / low taxes kinda guy, much. We’e battled before.
but I know a lot of families where the parents will be horrified that the moral teachings they live, practice, and teach at home are completely being dismissed (at best) and mocked (at worst) by this blatant breach of mores. Not only is it not age appropriate, I would think that just the idea of “would this continue the mantra of sexualizing and objectivizing our young women” should have stopped this cold.
Nice to see that my School Board is conducting a #WarOnWomen all on its own – underaged women at that! Nice to see that you, Kent Hemingway, are allowing the further objectivization of girls as sexual objects. Teen Port – way to go DUDE!
I would have also thought that perhaps the teacher [that would be Gail Hutchison -Skip] and her supervisor might have had the hazy thought “er, how many parents are going to go ballistic” might have wafted by their consciousness – but perhaps that was the point of the exercise? After all, “those evangelical Christianists have got to lighten up – and they’re our kids anyways” is an attitude I have seen personally and see in the “blogosphere” a lot. We can’t teach our kids the basics but can we ever teach sexuality! Bring on those books, those videos, cucumbers, and free contraceptives, for nothing says “serious teaching” than insinuating that self-control is impossible; let that 60s “do it if it feels good” philosophy roll!
I am outraged that my tax dollars helped pay for this smut (please note, Chair and Vice-Chair of the Gilford Budget Committee). I cast doubt on the morality of those that properly approved this as “Common Core aligned curriculum” by our Educational Professionals (Superintendent) and our School Board; really, this is suitable for 14 year olds?
Good to know that our “Standards of Excellence” have been so deviated downward (as warned by Senator Moynihan back in the 60s – obviously somebody didn’t get the memo) such that porn is perfectly fine for young teens. You all should be ASHAMED of yourselves for allowing our school system to inject a sexual morality into the classroom that is still deemed to be unsuitable by many. Just another reason why, more and more, schools are seen as pushing parents to the curb.
Note: The state’s leading newspapers refused to print the page in question and the state’s leading TV station, WMUR, refused to broadcast the reading of it that they showed yesterday and today (and here too). Even the School Board refused to read it during last night’s meeting. But the School Board and the Professional Educators expect 14 year old guys and gals to read it.
From that friend:
My friend’s daughter is a 9th grade 14-year-old in Ms. Gail Hutchison’s class at Gilford High School. They are currently reading a book called “Nineteen Minutes” by Jodie Picoult. Curious, I picked the book up at my friend’s house and randomly opened it to page 313 and to my utter shock and amazement found hard-core, graphic pornography.
I scanned the page for you to see for yourself.
This is what is being “taught” in public schools, not just anywhere in this country, but IN YOUR OWN BACK YARD! Is this trashy smut what you want poisoning your kids minds? Would you introduce this type of material to your children? No need to answer…the government school is doing it for you!!!
Judge for yourself:
So who is going to be held accountable for this? Not just the teacher, but who in the seats of responsibility will step in order to step down? Or is this just another step forward for Progressive Education and the message of “Skip, stop being a prude” be launched my way?