Remember that no media or recording devices of ANY type were to be in the meeting of GONH when Scott Brown spoke this past Tuesday night. I observed then:
So Mitch Kopacz, President of Gun Owners of NH, what’s the deal? You REALLY think that “Pravda on the Merrimack” (aka, the outpost of the liberal MSM called the Concord Monitor) is as supportive of the Second Amendment as GraniteGrok is? And THEY, the reporter and photographer, were then allowed to breeze past the hotel manager at the front door and saunter right in? And we were given the bum’s rush?
So, once again, the Liberal media, Mitch and Scott, were allowed in with a recording device? How do you two explain this:
Yes, that is the GONH meeting. yes, that is Scott Brown. Yes, this is not an artist’s rendition. It is, however,
from WMUR’s James Pindell’s Instagram. I was also told that “security” was tight by (membership card vetted by a GONH official and THEN AGAIN by a Brown staffer – is that paranoid or what?) someone who called to relay some details after seeing me outside but not inside. Unlike Pindell’s reporting of the meeting of the”Nearly every one of the 100 who attended”, my source said there were 50-55 including the Board of Directors sitting in the front. And unlike the number of 40, the folks outside numbered 63 (I counted).
Not only that, once again we have that whiff of “Fine for ME but not for thee“. Over and over again, I was told “nothing to be recorded” – but it seems that the Brown campaign staff were in video mode and audio mode. Not only that, GONH has an audio recording of the meeting.
My source also corroborated that the tenor of the meeting was ‘antagonistic” in that Brown was past debating those asking questions to past the line of being argumentative. Once again, the meme of “I am the anti-Shaheen” [really? Even as you voted with her 62% of the time your last year in the Senate? -Skip] and that many questions were side stepped (corroborating what Dennis and Steve relayed to us all).
Now, one thing that Pindell did properly report that “”Gail LOST it on guy who was described as rude”. It was amplified in that it was Gail, Scott Brown’s wife, was the one who got red in the face, turned around to face the guy behind her (who had been muttering things that apparently did not please her) and exclaimed “WHY do you have to be so confrontational….WHY do you have to be so RUDE!?!”. Thus, it was Gail that called the dude rude – and Scott moved his wife to another spot. I understand defending your spouse, but that doesn’t go over well in NH politics when you are seen as either the outsider or someone that is not trusted to support your major issue (for many of us on the Right, the guns are only the symptom of those willing to degrade what is really most important. It is not clear that Brown understand that guns are not just hunks of metal and plastic but instead, are a political lens in which Freedom is the object. And that is not easily going to be given up lightly. There is a Trust gap here – outright getting in the faces of potential voters will not help that perception.
But I do have questions:
- Will GONH be willing to post the audio so that the rest of us can hear stump speech, the questions and the answers?
- The Staff has the video – are they willing to present an honest picture of who Brown is under pressure and the answers to the questions?
And I am still waiting to see specifics of his policy outlook. Even now, his website is vague and of no use at all in making an informed decision. Or, is this another run by yet another politician on strictly a manufactured persona and personality? Is this the reason why he has been so unwilling to go to forums where hard and difficult questions might be asked?
People may see us as being bad-mouthing Brown; not quite true. What we ARE trying to get is honest, complete, and detailed answers. We have differences with all three of the other candidates – but they at least will take those questions honestly and openly and are willing for us to share that with our readership so YOU ALL can make informed decisions.
Is that so much to ask for? The offer has been extended multiple times for him to come on GrokTALK! – so far, the phone ain’t ringing.