Last night I traveled southeast to video the monthly Rochester 9/12 meeting. Haven’t been for a long while but since Jerry and Sue Delemus asked, I went! The place was packed – and a boisterous crowd at times as well. The main draw was the reporting by Jerry (and with some of his friends that were out there with him), having just returned from Nevada, of the goings on at the Cliven Bundy ranch in Bunkerville, NV. I expected to hear some details that I had heard or read about before but also wanted to hear some of “the rest of the story”. Also, Dr. William Baer (aka, Billy Baer) was also there along with Josh Youssef to talk about Billy’s arrest at the behest of the Gilford School Board as he tried to defend and object to the teen porn in the book “Nineteen Minutes” assigned by her teacher Gail Hutchinson – and they stonewalled him.
Up first, however, was the Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, and Announcements (Americans for Prosperity / NH activities, American Spring demonstration in DC) and a “pass the hat”, followed by a legislative updates on: candidates, SB120 (the “NH State Senate Republican Incumbency Protection and Racketeering Act” and SB319 (the “First Amendment Zone around abortion clinics” act) and NH GOP delegate sign up:
Intro Ceremonies Legislative Update