“…end wars…”. Gee, and I thought the whole idea was to WIN wars. Anything else is just “first loser” and in a two-way battle, just loser. Americans were known for WINing wars, not just giving up which is exactly what Obama is doing. We beat both Japan and Germany militarily – and then stayed for decades until the “end” WAS the “end”.
“…end wars…”. That is what President Obama said today in relationship to the Afghanistan theater of war. Essentially, he is doing what Nixon did in 1968: “I pledge to you that we shall have an honorable end to the war in Vietnam.” Yeah, that worked out EVAH so well for the South Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotians, eh? Buttery smooth words, a bit of smoke and mirrors, and then we all understood what honorable meant: we retreat, we give up and two million people lost their lives.
“…end wars…”. General Giap knew what the winning prescription was: break the will of the American people to wage war. He knew that North Vietnam could never do that on its own (even with Russian and Chinese help) so he did it with an information / PR war. He (along with Putin comrades) instigated the peace movement, agitated the college aged, got the protests going, influenced the media – and PRESTO!
“…end wars…”. It is EASY to end a war – and now we are being given a second shot of watching America’s will to see something through to the end go “poof”. We forced both Japan and Germany to give up by breaking their wills militarily. I don’t think that the American will has been broken in so far as more of an attention span (“git r done NOW!”) and disgust with the PC Rules of Engagements placed on the troops that made it impossible to win (I’ve listened to the Youngest describe them)
“…end wars…”. The Left has never liked the fact that the US has had the most powerful military in the world and has despised it and all actions it has ever taken. The Left has despised its use under the rubric that America has been the oppressors of “victim countries”. The Left is guilt ridden over our success.
What better way than to recreate the situation the US found itself in after Vietname – dispirited, withdrawn from the world – and smack dab running into a Jimmy Carter Presidency with its “national malaise”?
“…end wars…”. Determined Weakness; Obama is nothing if not the Leftist of the Left. And he is the C-in-C so he can do this all by himself.
“…end wars…”. It will not be an ending – merely a beginning. Not something good, I fear.
even if it takes decades (re: troops still in Germany and Japan, abeit now for different reasons)