Kelly Ayotte (R), the Jr. US Senator from NH has done the “John Kerry Flip-Flop” on Amnesty – instead of supporting The Rule of Law, she is bending to the Emotional Mob. She was against Amnesty before she was for it. Problem is, according to the latest poll by Rasmussen, that puts her out of the mainstream on this issue:
- 14% of Likely U.S. Voters think the U.S. government is too aggressive in deporting those who are in this country illegally.
- 52% believe the government is not aggressive enough in deporting illegal immigrants.
- 22% view the current number of deportations as about right.
- 11% are undecided.
The Crony Capitalist Crowd (aka, Big Biz, the Chamber of Commerce) certainly wants Amnesty. Low cost workers – at both ends of the spectrum from farm country to high tech. So where does that leave the American Workers, Kelly, with the Labor Participation Rate still at record lows?? The Democrats certainly want Amnesty. I have NEVER seen a poll where illegals would vote in a majority for Republicans. Ditto for polls of Limited vs Bigger Government – Latinos always choose Bigger Government with more services. Step right up to the Democrat Party registration desk, thanks to the Republican Party.
So those of us that believed you and voted for you only have one phrase: this is a sell out. And the American people are saying the same thing. You don’t broaden the Party by spitting in your potential voters faces.
(Poll H/T: Big Government)