So why did Bill double-cross the NH Democrats?


For years, Ed Naile of CNHT has toiled in the vineyards of Voter Fraud here in NH.  Sure, the soil here is rocky (lots of NH Democrats), the weather is erratic (first the Repubs govern, and then the Dems try to rule), but the season seems to be never ending (i.e., “the never ending campaigning”) – but he is finally getting traction and a lot of the Professional Vote Stealers (“PVSs”, Democrat political operators) and their enablers (the owners of the “voter fraud nests” that put up the PVSs for a month or two until they skedadle out of State to their next gig).  A good shot of “fertilizer” helped his crops when James O’Keefe and his merry band of pranksters showed how easy it would be here in the First in the Nation Primary State to pull off voter fraud.  As a result, we got a valid Voter ID law – wanna vote, show us your mug!

And STILL, NH Democrats keep saying that there is no such thing as Voter Fraud – a made up problem that has no basis in reality.  Why wouldn’t say that – look what it did for them this past November!  So, as Allahpundit said “I did not see this coming”; the most popular Democrat President living, Bill Clinton, now thinks that picture ID to vote is not a bad idea!

With 34 states now requiring some form of identification at the polls, former president Bill Clinton and civil rights leader Andrew Young on Wednesday endorsed the idea of adding photos to Social Security cards as a way to prevent voter suppression…Clinton and Young, a former mayor of Atlanta, expressed concern that the voter ID laws could discourage poor and minority voters from showing up at the polls, which would circumvent the intent of the Voting Rights Act. 

“I’m not against photo identification, but only as long as the cards are free and easily accessible. Providing eligible voters the ability to obtain a photo on a Social Security card eliminates any genuine concern,” Young said. He called on Obama to issue an executive order making such photos available.  Clinton did not go so far as to urge executive action. However, he said, putting photos on Social Security cards would represent “a way forward that eliminates error,” without having to “paralyze and divide a country with significant challenges.”

I have not yet seen a Voter ID bill or law that DIDN’T offer a free ID, so I’m not sure what this this is offering in terms of value add.  However, one thing is sure – yet another step of federalizing the voting process –  after all, social security cards are a FEDERAL issue, not a state one.  Thus, I bet yet another bureaucracy (with union  workers) will be created – after all, you WILL need to have that SS ID card updated every few years.  My Mom got mine  right after giving birth to me and I am sure that my baby picture would not be all that useful nowadays.  And as far as ID is concerned, a driver license or State issued ID seems to be much safer than my small, old blue cardboard card.

That said, however, a question needs to be begged of NH Democrats: are you going to argue with a Lion of the Party, fundraiser supreme, former President, and (gack!) possible the First Dude?  One of the most popular Democrat politicians in the last generation – proven success – is now for this so HOW can you be against it?  I’ve met a number of NH Democrats – you going to try to debate this with a Rhodes scholar that is a far better politician than you are?

Or is he just seeing something that you are just too blinkered to see?




  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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