NH AG Lets David Seastrand Walk – No Charges

The New London Police Chief was using his office and his access to young women (mostly from nearby Colby-Sawyer College) to barter with them into posing nude or in lingerie in exchange for  getting their “charges” dropped.  We’ve also learned that he has offered to pay their fines as well in exchange for posing for him.

Given his 27 years on the force I speculated (here and here) that this was probably something he’d been doing for a long time, that he might not have been the only one, and that more women would probably come forward after the first charges were announced; but that he’d get-off and be allowed to collect his pension without a criminal record.

After an ‘extensive’ investigation, the NH AG’s office is letting Seastrand off the hook.  His behavior while abhorrent, is not in their minds criminal.

I’m sure we can all rest easy knowing that if we send our daughters to Colby-Sawyer College, or if our young and attractive wives ever find themselves driving through New London, they will no longer have to worry about the Police chief excusing (or fabricating and then excusing) unlawful behavior in exchange for a little private photo-shoot in the nude.

We also know that this is not something you will get prosecuted for by the NH AG’s office.  Anyone else want to test that theory?

While David can no longer be a police officer, with 25 plus years in-the-can already he can quietly collect (what is probably) his substantial taxpayer funded pension (anyone want to find out what that is for me please) and pursue his photography hobby (or whatever)  while collecting pay on top of that doing security or something similar on the side.

So while David Seastrand is living better than you at your expense, know that the NH AG would have never give you that deal under similar circumstances.

Without actually knowing for certain, I’m going to guess that Seastrand is a registered Democrat who could also pick up the hobby of letting out of state Democrats register and vote absentee from his home.  With all the young out of state college age women willing to pretend to live here to steal our votes he might be able to combine his old hobby with this new one.

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