Take It Back or Burn It Down?

The current New Hampshire Republican Party has devolved away from being any kind of bulwark against creeping progressivism and the ardent promotion of candidates who will man the bulwark or (God help us) take us into battle, to little more than an exclusive group for hand-picked political insiders, partying away in the captain’s quarters of our anchored and sinking fleet.

They have been reduced to little more than a scurrilous cadre of ideological brigands fighting over a dwindling chest of booty, backstabbing anyone and everyone who stands in their way.

The latest victim and I count myself among those terrorized by these dirt-bags for reasons I will divulge shortly, is Dr. Robert Scott.  Yesterday evening Skip rolled out a post with a string of emails detailing the beginning of that which Jack Kimball and Cliff Hurst–to name just two–are quite familiar. An internal intimidation campaign to break up bottle-necks to power.

In the 2013 Soap Opera, Dr. Scott, party Treasurer, is fighting to protect the party from exposure to risk based on agreements made in advance of Chairman Horn’s ascension to the NH-GOP’s crumbling throne.

Skip covered the finer points and there is plenty more to be revealed in the coming days, so I won’t revisit that here.  What caught my attention was not another bout of symptoms surrounding our malaise but observations by Dr. Scott about the disease that is killing us.

From Dr. Scott’s email to Attorney Gould:

I am profoundly disturbed by the criminal quality of this entire affair and the personal abuse that I have had to endure in my attempt to protect the best interest of the NHRSC. The recent development of this criminal sub culture of bullying and extortion in our organization, as was done during this current chairman’s election (in which Jennifer Horn was elected) in January 2013 to our past chairman, vice chair and now has been done to me must be openly challenged and cannot be allowed to perpetuate.

These criminals (threats and extortion are illegal) and their thuggery has no place in the NHGOP. If we come to accept this type of psychological violence as standard operating procedure in the NHGOP;what is the next logical step? We are the party of Ronald Reagan not Mario Puzo.These practices must stop immediately and the responsible parties must stop living with this fantasy that one individual or family possesses sole ownership of the NHGOP. This pathological  mythology is destroying our organization  and making  it increasingly difficult to maintain  our financial and operational vitality.

Welcome to the club. We’ve been abused by the same thugs.

Someone even tried to get me fired from my job for my dogged persistence in badgering the brigands about how these insiders had used intimidation to clear the field for their candidate. Think about that. I don’t make a lot. I have three kids, a house, and in this economy, some dirtbag tied to the establishment insiders tried to get me fired because I wouldn’t lay down.

These are the sort of people we are dealing with.

It would be my earnest wish that those like Dr. Scott who are familiar with “the Mario Puzo party culture of psychological violence” but have not chosen to speak out for fear of putting themselves in the cross-hairs, band together with the delegates and stand on principle. What principle? How about the same one that we all claim drives us to slow or stop the Obama agenda and its relentless final assault on the US Constitution?

The NHGOP is an institution like any other, as prone to corruption by a powerful few as is any other association of human invention.  Left unchecked it will inevitably devolve into an exercise in tyranny, controlled by a despotic oligarchy that will brook no interference from principled interlopers. If we do not stand up to them they will push out anyone who tries to stand on principle, one by one, until there is no one left they do not own, or who does not owe them.  (We’d just be New Hampshire’s other Democrat party, only with no elected power; a vestigial lump of meaningless flag wavers on the bloated, corpulent and corrupt ass of New England socialist progressivism that used to include an inoculated New Hampshire Advantage.)

I am not a delegate, one of the few at GraniteGrok who is not. I am just a Conservative, one of those registered Republicans for whom my delegates are expected to speak. And I am asking you to get off your ass and fix this.  It is not just about Dr. Scott. It is not just Cliff or Jack Kimball. It is not just about thugs attempting to silence my expression of free speech against what I see as inner-party tyranny. It is about the efforts of a powerful minority to subdue a willing majority into accepting their bastardization of the institution that once was or could one day be a politically relevant NH-GOP.  Not just relevant to the power brokers but to every candidate, and every Republican whose interests it exists to represent.

People are already calling for Horn to resign, but even if that happened it would be like snipping off the top of a weed; one we here at GraniteGrok have been trying to dig out for years at our own peril.  (You have to be willing to dig down to the roots.)  It’s not their party, it is your party.  And it is based on sound principles that advance the ideas of liberty, freedom, and personal responsibility.   So how about we show some of that.

If you were looking for an opportunity to start fresh, this is it.  Take it back or burn it down and start over, but for God’s sake, stop sitting on your hands.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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