Statement by Jack Kimball on Signatory Authority by the NH GOP Chair

by Skip

Former NH GOP Chair Jack Kimball’s statement concerning the email thread posted here on GraniteGrok of the situation concerning current NH GOP Chair Jennifer Horn’s refusal to keep to her agreement to not seek signatory authority of the NH GOP’s bank accounts (and other financial instruments) (emphasis mine):

Soon after my election as GOP Chair, I made a conscious decision to NOT be a signatory on any checks coming from the State Party. The reason for this is that I did not want anyone to ever accuse me of anything untoward with respect to my fiduciary responsibility to the Party. My Executive Director signed all but one or two checks with Robert [Robert Scott, Treasurer of the NH GOP  -Skip] as the backup. This worked very well in that I reviewed and approved each invoice that was paid and the ED wrote the check. So, all other issues aside, there is no need for the GOP Chair to be a signatory.

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