Progressives: giving breaks to the lawless, declaring the guilt of the lawful

by Skip

Lawful Gun Owners Will Be Punished

Hmmm.  When I first saw this, I went “yup”!  A warning to the lawless, the criminal class: “Now, now children, you need to behave.  Please follow the rules, please obey the law.  After all, it’s for the children.’  That seems to be the message – a slap on the wrist AND the expectation that it is all that it will take.  After all, this is just “guidance” to criminals to “perfect them” (after all, killing innocent children in a gun free zone is not a nice thing”.

And then Progressives are all happy to trust the criminal class to then behave themselves – cut them a break, as it were.  After all, it is the fault of Society that they are the way they are – we ALL are to blame for their actions.  And then go all agog when their expectations go awry again.  Rinse, repeat.  Always the “eternal second chances” as they are not responsible for their actions – they are implicitly part of the vast “identity victim class” that must be protected (again, it.just.isn’t.their.fault).

Yet, when Progressives then turn their eyes upon us, we who obey every jot and tittle of the law and respect the power of our firearms, there is no trust at all.  They do believe that we are already guiltily esponsible for our actions even before bad things  Their future Utopia implicitly demands that ALL risk to anyone in society be removed – and in a perverse sense of reversal, see those of us who are law-abiding as the Oppressors – simply because we can’t fall into any of their identity victim classes.  Why?

Community Organizers were birthed out of Progressivism and NEED an antagonist against which to rile up “the victims”.  We refuse to see ourselves as victims – so it make us their so-called Oppressors.

(H/T: Maggie’s Farm)

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