Dean Trefethen – Dover, Only NH Mayor To Stand with Nanny Bloomberg

Steve MacDonald

First, thanks to Kathleen LaBonte, who pointed out in the comments for this post, ‘Legal Gun Owners Against Stupid Gun Grabbing Mayors,‘ that Dover, New Hampshire Mayor Dean Trefethen is the only mayor in all of New Hampshire to climb on board Mike ‘Buckshot’ Bloomberg’s anti-gun owner clown car.

Mayor dean Trefethen of Dover NH

Trefethen has signed on to “”

Really?  Mayors Against Illegal Guns?  Illegal guns.  Bloomberg is such an arrogant ass.  Every law abiding gun owner is against illegal guns so I’m reasonably certain (reasonably) that every mayor is as well; except perhaps for Chicago’s  Rahm Emanuel of the ‘please just don’t touch the children fame,’ who may be the only U.S. mayor on public record for demonstrating that it is possible for a cities chief executive to couch gun related gang violence in terms of when he’s really really REALLY against illegal gun use.  Hey- No shooting at each other when there are kids around?  Got it?

Dean has only been Mayor-Mayor of Dover since mid 2011 but he was Deputy Mayor for the three years prior.   He served 8 years on the city council and was on the zoning board of adjustment as well.    A real joiner, that guy.  And now he’s hitched his little blue wagon to Nanny Doomberg to promote the idea that more gun control laws will have some kind of impact on illegal guns.

What is both ironic and amusing about this notion is that illegal gun owners probably FAVOR stricter gun laws and more stringent background checks.  Why? Because only legal gun owners–their perspective victims–will ever be affected by those laws.  Lawbreakers don’t care about the law.  So any smart criminal would have to support a government or politician willing to guarantee them a force majority.

I think it is safe to say that Dean, who has been stewing in Dover’s liberal ghetto for longer than we were supposed to be afraid of global warming, is more interested in creating victims.  That’s about the only thing the Bloomberg/Doomberg grandstanding plan will ever accomplish, though I expect he will get praise from his sycophantic left-wing majority citizenry for his “courage” on this important issue.  Or is he just a progressive rube?

Speaking of courage.  Kathleen politely reminds us that Trefethen is up for re-election this December.  If someone has the courage to try, maybe they could challenge Mr. Treflethen for the office.  Despite all his years of ‘experience’ he’s still inclined to glom on to dumb things.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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