Yesterday, Steve let us know that AFP had selected him as their Blogger of the Month – my immediate response was:
YAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!! Way to go Steve!
Absolutely tickled pink! In my estimation, well deserved. Just about every day, Steve has made sure to let us know what his opinion is on a whole range of topics from those here in NH to national ones. In all cases, he writes from a Conservative / Libertarian viewpoint and always trying to show how these pertain to the enhancement of personal Liberty and Freedom (or not) and free markets. He has always amazed me with how he brings in different issues to his main point – and he wields his keyboard as a virtual stiletto in skewering the object of his disdain. In each of his posts, there is almost always a “line to remember”.
A serious kinda guy, he just goes about everything in a simple, workaday, blue collar fashion – he just gets it done (and his point across). He certainly deserves it – he posts tirelessly pretty much every day on Liberty and Freedom items. He is also a Board Director of the Republican Liberty Caucus of NH and a co-founder of the NHRVC (NH Republican Volunteer Coalition) – a political activist all the time.
“Steve is a great asset to the blogger community and to the people of NH. Through his efforts and the guys at the Granite Grok, NH Residents are better informed. I’m pleased that Steve was named blogger of the month by AFP at the national level.“
Corey R. Lewandowski
State Director
I am honored that he chose to write here at GraniteGrok and more so, am privileged to be able to call him “my friend”.
Steve Mac Donald – Americans for Prosperity’s Blogger of the month for December, 2012.