Barack Obama, Ben Ghazi, and Warren Wimmen Walk into a Bar…

Alternate title:  Jobs report – 65 million can’t find work, unemployment effectively zero.

Alrernate alternate title:  If Barack Obama falls in the electroal forrest and the Main Stream Media doesn’t report it, did it really happen?


Tuesday can’t come soon enough.  That will not, however, be the end of it.  While Romney will very likly win the popular vote and take a huge majority of electors in the process (presuming your massive turnout in his favor), I can’t see Team Obama letting this one go.  They are just too conceited and out of touch to even grasp that we wouldn’t just re-elect the guy.  Election day will be election week, month, season.

And by the way.  Isn’t voting for Obama because he is black also racist?

And then… What a tangled web we weave…’If it was terrorism then why this?  Or better yet, this!

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