State of NH Budget Season – Do the Departments REALLY think we’re made of gold? They must (or stupid)

by Skip

“In effect, the Budget heads are saying “Screw you, Legislature!”

From NH Watchdog (emphasis mine):

(CONCORD) State agencies are hoping for a 19% increase in next year’s budget, according to the Agency Budget Submissions sent to the Governor’s Office this month. The wish lists from the heads of New Hampshire’s 47 Departments, Agencies, and Commissions total just under $12 billion for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015, up from the $10 billion in the state’s current two-year budget.

In addition to their requested budgets, each department head must also submit a “Maintenance Budget” designed to meet fund current programs. They must also submit a proposed budget at 90% of current authorized spending, but that isn’t due until November 15th.

Right.  Most of us in the Private Sector (the REAL world) would look at 2% as OK (note to the Public sector – stop being greedy and masking it as “serving our constituents”).  The economy still is in the dumpers and these folks think nothing of “hey, we NEED this” at best and “how come they AREN’T thinking of hard it is out here FIRST”?  This is the thing about funding Government – unlike the Private Sector where consumers enforce efficiency via Profit / Loss pricing, there are no constraints on Government having to “prove” that they provide / fulfill needs at reasonable costs.  Private sector with low or no profitability from not being able to prove that our service or products HELPS YOU?  Bankruptcy.  Public sector – just keep getting more and more into the hopper, hoping that “friendly” politicians just wave it by.  Like these (reformatted from the post):

  • The Public Utilities Commission: 145% increase (and wishing upon a star that RGGI would bring in $45 million this year [FY 12-13] from under $2 million in FY12 just  $5.7 million this year])
  • The University System of New Hampshire: 89% increase to return to $100 million in state taxpayer funding.
  • Health and Human Services: 29% increase ($1.1 Billion) to $4.8 billion for FY14-15, up from $3.7 billion in the current budget, an increase of 29%.
  • The Departments of Transportation: less than 5%
  • The Departments of Safety: less than 5%
  • The Departments of Fish and Game: less than 5%

Some are very large numbers – but even the small numbers are still a bit more than what is being seen in the Private Sector.  Less can be done – many towns around NH are doing exactly that – maintaining level or reduced budgets.

I also note that even with the last three, the Department heads are “arguing” with the Legislature that cut such spending last session (18%).  In effect, the Budget heads are saying “Screw you, Legislature! We are tossing onto the scrap heap the ‘austerity’ that you rammed down our throats – who do YOU think you are?  We run things around here!”.  Remember, the budget was cut 18% last session – the Executive Branch, at this point in time, is merely putting it back.

It’s like they want to pretend that the serious financial management and constraints put in last session never. ever. happened.

A more detailed EXCEL spreadsheet can be found here.

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