Actress Stacey Dash, who is easily as black as Barack Obama, announced that she would be voting for Mitt Romney. The (in)tolerant left unleashed their tweeting Klansman who proceeded to heap hate upon her, imploring that she just kill herself. (Did you notice the tweet from a PhD? Dr. Hate!)
How about house negro, Uncle Tom, or this one I never heard before… ‘Oreo cookie bitch?’ I can feel the ‘love’ from here. So is an Obama supporter telling a woman of color to kill herself racist?
This is, of course, standard fare from the (in)tolerant left. But the poo-flinging isn’t just to remind us that they are all raging hypocrites. It is to remind us that they are not just missing a few cans, they are also missing that plastic thing that holds the six pack together. And this serves as a warning to anyone else who dare wander off the Obama Plantation.
Should you stray from where you belong the Democrat Klux Klan will come after your ass. If you are a serious threat, they’ll send lawyers, union members, and the media after you.
It is classic left-wing political intimidation, race intimidation, toe the line you are a Hollywood liberal intimidation, and at it’s core, speech intimidation. It is a message to anyone who dare speak out that you will be attacked if you dare oppose them, their idea, their candidates, and their agenda. You do not have the right to free speech unless it is their speech and if you do not keep quiet they will do to you what they do to the Palin’s, and to folks like Stacey Dash who are..honestly…supposed to know better.
And this is why I think Obama will lose in a landslide. They are keeping quiet. But once they get into a voting booth, it’s bye-bye Obama.