Because They Voted Where It Matters

College kids bussed to polling places by liberals democrats and UNH has an article today observing that pro-obama turnout in New Hampshire’s college towns is less than it was in 2008.  There is very intentional mention of concerns (from folks like myself I assume) about out of state students being used to tip the election; but how no one could ever know how they’d vote, and about the promtion by Democrats of the idea that Republicans were tyring to keep them from voting which is why they should.

So much concern in one tiny little article, complete with deceptions, and a new narrative to plumb.

Well I just happen to have a very workable theory about why turnout in NH College towns was down–something I had not considered checking until now, thank you–and it ties directly to a well worn New Hampshire Democrat excuse about why they support out of state student voting in New Hampshire.


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Is Telling A Black Woman To Kill Herself Racist?

Stacey-Dash gets hate from leftActress Stacey Dash, who is easily as black as Barack Obama, announced that she would be voting for Mitt Romney.  The (in)tolerant left unleashed their tweeting Klansman who proceeded to heap hate upon her, imploring that she just kill herself. (Did you notice the tweet from a PhD?  Dr. Hate!)

But why stop there?

How about house negro, Uncle Tom, or this one I never heard before… ‘Oreo cookie bitch?’  I can feel the ‘love’ from here.  So is an Obama supporter telling a woman of color to kill herself racist?

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