Endorsement: Dan Dwyer, State Senate

As State Senate President, Peter Bragdon lays claim to a number of accomplishments, he also owns a number of disappointments, one of the most egregious of which is our continued membership in the Regional Greenhouse Gas initiative (RGGI).   I hold him solely responsible for our continued participation in this unconstitutional scheme which the Democrat majority that proceeded him, tied us to, which the House and Senate tried to repeal, and which only the Senate failed to override when vetoed by Governor Lynch.

RGGI should be deemed unconstitutional.  The compromise legislation is laughable.  Bragdon has been in Concord too long.  It is time for a change.  And Dan Dwyer offers us that opportunity.

When the Democrat majority signed us on to RGGI they gave away some of the legislatures taxing power to the unelected RGGI board that determines the cost per ton of carbon credits.  It makes no difference if the cost is a nickle or one hundred dollars per ton, those costs are a result of legislative action by Democrats that allows some external entity to raise or lower those costs (taxes) without a single hearing, not one vote by anyone in New Hampshire, and without any electoral recourse.

No elected official has to go on record to make those taxes increase.   And the only way to restore that authority is to repeal RGGI.

King ReggieWe had the opportunity to do  it.  We had the popular will.  We had the legislative will. We were on the doorstep.  The State Senate just needed to vote to override the veto.  The only thing standing in the way of us taking back that taxing power was Peter Bragdon.   His answer to the problem of out of state influence and unconstitutional taxation?  More out of state influence;  we can only exit RGGI if a large state like Massachusetts or New York does first.

Where’s the leadership?  What about our rights as voters and taxpayers who, at any given moment–should the cost of carbon credits rise suddenly–find ourselves faced with larger electric bills because the nice people at RGGI or forces in the process external to our will deem that the cost of compliance should rise and New Hampshire Democrats had signed away our ability to prevent it?

All the politicians have to do is wait.  No votes.  No hearings.  Just money that shows up in Concord, extorted by outside interests

And while I expect Democrats to give away our rights in exchange for a few pieces of Enviro-Nazi silver, it is something I cannot excuse from someone who calls themselves a Republican.

And it is but one of many examples that suggest that Peter Bragdon may have been in Concord just a bit too long.  His focus has gone soft.  He has become enamored of the lobbyist culture…to the point that he has or is dating a lobbyist.  he is more interested in the game of politics than the point of representation, which is to protect his constituents from the arbitrary abuse of power against their property.

It is, perhaps, time for Mr. Bragdon to find some other fix to satisfy his urge for authority.

Please vote for Dan Dwyer on September 11th.




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