Biden-12 Brain.ese has stopped working

The Tale of Two Countries

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it … Read more

A Bump On The Road To Unity

Will the NHGOP suit up and fight
Suit up…or get out of the way.

As a Blogger I am encouraged by the calls for unity from the NH-GOP leadership.  But I do not believe they have a clue about how to get there from here.  And blaming bloggers is clearly not the answer.  In fact, it is exactly the opposite of “the answer.”  I make that quite clear in the status update I posted on Facebook this morning.

“…the NHGOP is very bad at messaging.  They are terrible at policy support during the session.  They are not aggressive at all when it comes to going after Democrats.  They never use the media resources at their disposal effectively.  And they do a poor job of supporting local candidates.  Meanwhile, ‘Bloggers” are doing all of those things…for free.  But rather than thank me for the 1200 articles a year I might write attacking left wing policy, narrative, legislation, or commentary; or thanking me for supporting the platform, conservative principles, good legislation, or local Republican candidates, they piss and moan like children over the fifteen or so articles where I call out the GOP for acting like progressives.

The first step toward recovery is accepting that you have a problem.  The NH-GOP has a problem and it is not bloggers.

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Endorsement: Dan Dwyer, State Senate

As State Senate President, Peter Bragdon lays claim to a number of accomplishments, he also owns a number of disappointments, one of the most egregious of which is our continued membership in the Regional Greenhouse Gas initiative (RGGI).   I hold him solely responsible for our continued participation in this unconstitutional scheme which the Democrat majority that proceeded him, tied us to, which the House and Senate tried to repeal, and which only the Senate failed to override when vetoed by Governor Lynch.

RGGI should be deemed unconstitutional.  The compromise legislation is laughable.  Bragdon has been in Concord too long.  It is time for a change.  And Dan Dwyer offers us that opportunity.

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