Abortion is an act of tyranny. It is the expression of legal force against another life that denies that life the right to the property of living and every expression of existence that follows from it. It denies these rights solely for the benefit of another (others), who have exchanged the risk of creation for their own pleasure.
Denying life for your own selfish pleasure; even excusing it because the state has made it legal? How is that not tyranny?
The pursuit of pleasure is a function of human existence–an animal instinct. And the promise of physical pleasure drives us toward intimate human contact. Societies try to manage this relationship with institutions like religion, marriage, even our government, but in recent decades the government has viewed these institutions as inimical to “personal freedom,” and sought to enact laws that prevent these social or cultural institutions from functioning as a brake on the unbridled human weakness for sexual pleasure. While the state should have a very limited if marginal interest in managing the terms of otherwise natural and productive human relationships, somewhere along the way the State has legalized a form of tyranny.
Intercourse is an investment whose return is new life. No matter how many barriers you place between the purpose and the pleasure the natural function of intercourse is create human life. That is not to say that you cannot or should not engage in intentional acts of intimacy for other purposes, nor should you forgo precautions to game the system in favor of your expectations. But understand that this does not relieve you of the responsibility of your actions. If you have sex you may create life and I do not care who or how many people or laws there are that attempt to disguise that fact.
Actions have consequences.
The exchange of physical intimacy, like any exchange or “investment,” comes with some measure of risk. (Risk being defined as an undesired outcome.) In this case the “investor” seeks pleasure without consequence. But that pleasure only exists to encourage the creation of life, no different than hunger encourages us to eat. And while the pro-abortion factions are teeming with life obsesses with what we eat, the same people are equally obsessed with the right to pleasure before the right to life.
These fringe groups have worked overtime for decades to program generations of Americans to believe that the creation of “life” as a product of pleasure, does not need to be an inconvenience to your rights. That we need not concern ourselves with the risk associated with intimacy. That personal responsibility is of no import. That it is both moral and ethical to gorge ourselves on the pleasure while ignoring or deferring the risk that pleasure exists to create. You can have it all, no risk, no obligation, no salesman need call. It is your “choice.”
And what is that “choice.” Did you know that it is also your right not to have intercourse? That is a choice. So is life we want. Life that is opportune, babies made on purpose, are embraced and celebrated. They are precious. But thanks to the propagandists should one of our many defenses fail, (including our right to not have intercourse) and life be created at an inopportune time, or by some undesirable sector of the society, that same precious life can and should be extinguished without fear of guilt or hypocrisy. Intercourse is reduced to an investment without consideration for cost, reward without responsibility for risk . Withdraw all the pleasure you want from the bank of human intimacy without any fear of personal penalty (so say the pro-abortion experts), be it to you, your body, your ability to have meaningful relationships, or to the life you have ended. And we have not only removed the moral, ethical, or social ramifications, we have actually written laws that make it all legal.
But making it legal does not make it right. We know the state is poor measure of morality because in the absence of such laws, of any law or government at all, we all still grasp our basic right to life, to our person, and our property.
Despite what you have been told, programmed to believe, or convinced yourself, the act of intercourse leads to conception, and conception results in human beings. I’ve seen it happen with my own eyes. There is no other way in the temporal world to create a person but by intentionally mixing the DNA of a man and a woman. So the only way for there to even be inalienable human rights is for there to be humans, and the only way for there to be humans is to conceive them through human conception, inevitably carried to term in a human womb. It matters not whether you are a devout Christian, a Secular Liberation, or a Progressive atheist (or any combination of each), sex creates people, people grow in wombs, abortion is an invasive act without which there would be a person who has these same rights.
Some will argue that there are nuances but nuances are almost always excuses to avoid responsibility or to justify selfish desires. Having your selfish desires codified into statute or law does not change this.
Abortion is a legal act of force, sanctioned by the state, that exterminates a human being. Human beings who in the absence of a government that has legalized their execution, would be born with the right to the defense of their person and every expression of that person (life, labor, property, success, failure, and so on).
So abortion is nothing more than a selfish act by one or more humans that denies life, liberty, and property to another just so that the life with the most power is not inconvenienced. By the way, the fact that there are actually libertarians who support abortion, astounds me. Why? Becasue abortion is an act of tyranny.