And right in line with Obama being President Sugar Daddy, we see the Left’s problem with word definitions: empowerment

by Skip

I’m so confused by the Left – again!  I know what the word “empowerment” means:

  • Free Dictionary: Its modern use originated in the civil rights movement, which sought political empowerment for its followers. The word was then taken up by the women’s movement, and its appeal has not flagged. Since people of all political persuasions have a need for a word that makes their constituents feel that they are or are about to become more in control of their destinies

2: enable
3: to promote the self-actualization or influence of <women’s movement has been inspiring and empowering women — Ron Hansen>

So, can you tell me what the hysterical part of this story is?  Here’s the title:

 Congresswoman on Gov’t Handouts: ‘I Mean Women Use These Resources a Lot More Than Men Do’

Handouts.  Not a hand-up.  If someone is accepting the former over the latter, that does not exude “empowerment”.  However and finally, a member of Congress coming clean about which the Government actually is doing with its welfare programs.  It has been known for quite some time that single women (especially those with children) look favorably upon Government for EXACTLY this reason (think Obama as Government Sugar Daddy)  and “do vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Why? Because they worry that they may need to fall back on the government for security.”  In fact, a VERY high percentage:  As much as 75 percent of single women vote for Democrats

So with that, what cracked me up the most?

( – Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) told a women’s empowerment conference in Washington on Wednesday that women need government programs more than men do.

“The relentless and unrelenting effort to minimize women’s needs, whether it’s fair health-care needs, reproductive needs, whether it’s things like Pell grants or Stafford loans, college scholarships–I mean women use these resources a lot more than men do,” she said.

“Food stamps–adult women use food stamps to a greater degree than do men, two-thirds of adult food stamp users are women,” Moore added. “Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid — depending on how old women are, they use anywhere from two-thirds to 85 percent of these programs.”

Moore also mentioned welfare programs such as WIC “that support our children and lactating women” as items that Republicans have targeted, even though such programs “would benefit women.”

Riiigghhhtt!!  Empowerment used to mean that individuals can stand up for themselves, be self-sufficient, to be self-responsible – and not be a burden on others.  So at a empowerment conference, Congressman Gwen Moore is making the case for more dependency upon government?  And that’s empowerment?

My head spins.  Your’s should too.  There is no ability to govern, or even reasonably communicate, when the Left goes all Alice in Wonderland with ‘a word means what I need to win an argument mean it to mean”.

So just in that short snippet, I count 10 Government programs, with most of them of the type of “once you’re on it, you’re on it for good!”


You know, the model that made this country was that rugged individualism, the philosophy of pulling your own weight, that you rely on yourself, your family, your friends, and your neighbors for help.  But you were responsible for you – and you made of yourself what you put into efforts; not as Obama and this cuckoo Congresswoman think.  Now, it’s all about the “gimme” and outsourcing your responsibility for you to others.

…Moore said entitlement programs “have come under attack” by Republican state and federal lawmakers, who are waging a “war on women” – or a “dance on women,” as she also called it.

“Yeah, this could really shape up to be another ‘year of the woman,’” Moore said. “It could be–because legislators, members of Congress and quite frankly state legislatures all across the country have really handed us the tool for organizing women.”

Moore was one of seven Democratic lawmakers addressing the kickoff of a “Leveraging Women’s Voices” conference organized by the National Council for Research and Women.  NCRW describes itself as a network of research, policy and advocacy centers dedicated to improving the lives of women and girls.

Yup, making you beholden to The Man (government) is really going to improve your lives long term.  The only thing, seemingly, that “Leveraging Women’s Voices” is doing is aggregating a special interest group to lobby for more entittlements.  And as I said here: “A socialist society is a selfish society – and as Government does more and more (notice that I did not say Society!), people expect and then demand more and more.”

Another speaker, Rep. Donna Edwards (D-Md.), told the gathering that she takes a feminist approach to her job:

“I’m going to just tell you something,” Edwards said. “I see almost everything that I do in Congress and almost everything that I do through the lens of being a woman, a mother, a single mom struggling in an economy and just trying to make it.  I see everything through that lens.”

So, enslaving other women to Government Handouts is a feminist ideal?  Or simply a bastardization of the feminist goal of eliminating men from the relationship equation altogether?  Or was this the goal in the all together?

At Wednesday’s event, the NCRW released a report recommending ways to make quality, affordable child care more accessible to working women.

“The report’s findings have national economic and policy implications that are particularly relevant in this election year,” NCRW said in a news release. The group is calling on Congress to convene a hearing on the affordable child care issue.

It goes along with what folks of my Mom’s generation tell me: we want our independence (never admitting to the truth that while you might be “independent” of your family for support (and yes, I got plenty of those 3am calls when my step-dad couldn’t breath; he finally succumbed to COPD after decades of smoking) you merely switched your dependence from your family that actually loves you to a bureaucrat in Government and a computer that spit out the checks).

Or Sandra Fluke, with her insistence that she cannot be a true feminist and “free” if she cannot have her contraceptives paid for by others Government.  Think that she’d really admit that she really wasn’t free?  That she was simply giving up her reliance on herself and willingly was advocating to be dependent on others?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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