See what happens when you let ‘the folk’ actually decide the big social issues?


Courts in multiple states have oft been the agency by which gay marriage has forced upon the residents of those states – the rest have been by Legislatures that oft have been bombarded by “gay money” advocacy groups as we saw here in NH.

Let the people vote?  All the people – where the votes cannot be bought?  They continue to reject it.  Tonite, North Carolina residents just passed an Amendment to their Constitution that legally declares that Marriage is the union of one man and one womanThat would be 31 States that have enacted such an amendment.  That would be a majority of the States, if my math is still correct.

“Oh, that’s because it’s full of bigots in that Bible Belt state – those Conservative backward looking, knuckle dragging, rednecks that don’t get with the inevitable” will be the excuse.

Really?  How did the vote in uber-blue (Liberal / Progressive) California’s Prop 8 go for you?  Remember, 31 States disagree as well.  But, that still won’t prevent some people from uttering absolute hate speech when the vote goes against their own political views.

“It’s an embarrassment and it’s pathetic, and I’m ashamed to have to come out here and vote on something like this, and, if the polls are right, I’m ashamed that apparently a large majority of the citizens of my state are pro-bigotry,” he said.

Get a grip, buttercup.  The voting was heavy but according to this article, this is going to carry by a large majority. But of course, the long knives will come out about “Christian bigots” for simply and quietly exercising their vote and right to determine what society they wish to have.  Really what is happening is that they have a religious conscience that merely disagrees with the gay marriage movement – and in some cases, their vote is a push back on the tactics that the militant gays have exercised during and after votes around the country.  They are just saying “Stop transforming (as Obama promised to do) our country without our approval.  We live here, too, and we WILL have a say in how we live our lives”.  THAT is what Democracy looks like!
And in North Carolina, on a social issue that republican Elites want to run away from, ordinary folks simply stated “THIS social issue IS a big deal to us and if you won’t deal with it, we will”.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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