Well, MSN Living passes on the results of a poll by Austin Reed (upscale UK clothier); I got the link from somewhere and curiosity, in a morbid way, got the better of me. So, I clicked….and got miserable. Silly me – I should stick to politics.
- I’ d miss this even if I could stop hunching over a keyboard
- Ha! Many years and many pounds ago…maybe
- Nope
- Blue, and the length varies with my procrastination tendencies
- When I had to visit my clients in the real world, yeah, I did.
- Mt. Dew a reasonable substitute?
- YAY! I finally is one!
- Nope – Rick Santorum comes close though…
- For what?
- See #5. Now? I could care less.
- Have one – 2 for 11!
- OK, I beat this – 3 for 12.
- ONLY when I know what I want, where it is, and I can spend the absolute minimal time getting it and getting home. Oh wait, that’s not the definition preferred by many women, who, you know, like doing this activity.
- Prime Rib and chili dogs – sometimes at the same time! 4 for 14. Am I in trouble?
- Used to have a large handlebar mustache…lost that when I started dating TMEW. First time I shaved it off, she sternly told me to knock off the stupid stuff. The second time, when the Youngest was, well, young….he ran away from me crying and screaming. Stupidly, I tried it about four years ago….TMEW repeated her admonition – I think I’ve learned this lesson now. No, I flunk this one
- Er, no.
- Nope! Besides, didn’t they all get cancelled a few years ago?
- Patriots! 5 for 18…not looking good for a passing grade
- Saab…miss the Suburban
- Finally, I’m an overachiever here. 6 for 20.
- Yes. Gee, two in a row!
- Uh-oh…3 in a row…am I becoming a UK dandy?
- I’m not sure that “sensitive” is the word…..”fearful” could describe (ONLY KIDDING!)
- After 32 years of being married to TMEW, I have realized that being able to say it when I’m NOT feeling that love is a VERY good attribute to have.
- Are flipping crazy?
- Have never understood why a man would not. Wished I’da gotten my private pilot’s though…9 for 26.
- Able to….used to be MUCH better, but I pass this
testquestion. 10 for….why am I kidding myself. - I’m betting it would be a bit wobbly at first.
- 10-4
- No
Guess I’m not perfect. ‘Course, I’m thinking the dude that is would be a bore (really, soaps?). The real answers after the jump.
Here’s what the Austin Reed folks think is da perfect dude;
- 6 feet tall
- Toned and athletic
- Brown eyes
- Short dark hair
- Smart dress sense
- Beer drinker
- Non-smoker
- Wears smart jeans, shirt and a V-neck jumper
- Gets ready in 17 minutes
- Stylish
- Wants a family
- Earns £48,000 ($77,000) a year
- Loves shopping
- Eats meat
- Clean shaven
- Smooth chest
- Watches soaps
- Enjoys watching football
- Drives an Audi
- Educated to degree level
- Earns more than his other half
- Jokes around and has a laugh
- Sensitive when his wife/girlfriend is upset
- Says ‘I love you’ only when he means it
- Admits it when he looks at other women
- Has a driver’s license
- Can swim
- Can ride a bike
- Can change a tire
- Calls mom regularly
(H/T: MSN Living)