Guess I’m not exactly Mr. Perfect…


Well, MSN Living passes on the results of a poll by Austin Reed (upscale UK clothier); I got the link from somewhere and curiosity, in a morbid way, got the better of me.  So, I clicked….and got miserable.  Silly me – I should stick to politics.

  1. I’ d miss this even if I could stop hunching over a keyboard
  2. Ha!  Many years and many pounds ago…maybe
  3. Nope
  4. Blue, and the length varies with my procrastination tendencies
  5. When I had to visit my clients in the real world, yeah, I did.
  6. Mt. Dew a reasonable substitute?
  7. YAY!  I finally is one!
  8. Nope – Rick Santorum comes close though…
  9. For what?
  10. See #5.  Now?  I could care less.
  11. Have one – 2 for 11!
  12. OK, I beat this – 3 for 12.
  13. ONLY when I know what I want, where it is, and I can spend the absolute minimal time getting it and getting home.  Oh wait, that’s not the definition preferred by many women, who, you know, like doing this activity.
  14. Prime Rib and chili dogs – sometimes at the same time!  4 for 14.  Am I in trouble?
  15. Used to have a large handlebar mustache…lost that when I started dating TMEW.  First time I shaved it off, she sternly told me to knock off the stupid stuff.  The second time, when the Youngest was, well, young….he ran away from me crying and screaming.  Stupidly, I tried it about four years ago….TMEW repeated her admonition – I think I’ve learned this lesson now.  No, I flunk this one
  16. Er, no.
  17. Nope!  Besides, didn’t they all get cancelled a few years ago?
  18. Patriots! 5 for 18…not looking good for a passing grade
  19. Saab…miss the Suburban
  20. Finally, I’m an overachiever here. 6 for 20.
  21. Yes. Gee, two in a row!
  22. Uh-oh…3 in a row…am I becoming a UK dandy?
  23. I’m not sure that “sensitive” is the word…..”fearful” could describe (ONLY KIDDING!)
  24. After 32 years of being married to TMEW, I have realized that being able to say it when I’m NOT feeling that love is a VERY good attribute to have.
  25. Are flipping crazy?
  26. Have never understood why a man would not.  Wished I’da gotten my private pilot’s though…9 for 26.
  27. Able to….used to be MUCH better, but I pass this test question. 10 for….why am I kidding myself.
  28. I’m betting it would be a bit wobbly at first.
  29. 10-4
  30. No

Guess I’m not perfect.  ‘Course, I’m thinking the dude that is would be a bore (really, soaps?).  The real answers after the jump.

Here’s what the Austin Reed folks think is da perfect dude;

  1. 6 feet tall
  2. Toned and athletic
  3. Brown eyes
  4. Short dark hair
  5. Smart dress sense
  6. Beer drinker
  7. Non-smoker
  8. Wears smart jeans, shirt and a V-neck jumper
  9. Gets ready in 17 minutes
  10. Stylish
  11. Wants a family
  12. Earns £48,000 ($77,000) a year
  13. Loves shopping
  14. Eats meat
  15. Clean shaven
  16. Smooth chest
  17. Watches soaps
  18. Enjoys watching football
  19. Drives an Audi
  20. Educated to degree level
  21. Earns more than his other half
  22. Jokes around and has a laugh
  23. Sensitive when his wife/girlfriend is upset
  24. Says ‘I love you’ only when he means it
  25. Admits it when he looks at other women
  26. Has a driver’s license
  27. Can swim
  28. Can ride a bike
  29. Can change a tire
  30. Calls mom regularly

(H/T: MSN Living)


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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