Since this series of questions was done, most towns have had their local elections (be they SB2 based or the traditional formats). This season, a number of conservatives and libertarians who are Republicans lost their bid for local offices and were replaced by rather hard-left leaning folks (e.g., Carla Horn, a real self-avowed Leftist that would fit in well with the Democrat Socialists of American won over a really good conservative, Colette Worseman up in Meredith; I and a few others lost in Gilford). Many politically active folks on the Right have been watching the ‘staff up’ being done by the Dems, ostensibly for the Presidential election – it is now evident that they had active hands in organizing in these elections too (as well as the Unions).
Thus, this question, a future-now-past, proves that there is a problem: Can you, as Committeewoman, help nudge the NH GOP to better assist local elections “below the NH House races (think: farm team)?
Previous Questions: (on the jump)
- Q1 – Why are you running?
- Q2 – Why should the ordinary Republican care who their RNC Committeewoman is?
- Q3 – Is defending the NH GOP platform part of the role of the Committeewoman’s role?
- Q4 – Why vote for you over your opponent?
- Q5 – What part of the NH GOP Platform is in danger and why should people rally around it?
- Q6 – How verbose will you be in defending Republican ideals as Committeewoman during the election season?
- Q7 – As RNC Committeewoman, how can you sharpen the diferences between Republican and Democrat positions?
- Q8 – Republicans have said that they have eliminated regulations; got that list?
- Q9 – Will the NH GOP defend Grassroots Ideals?
- Q10 – Your message to the TEA Party and 9/12 Project members?