I thought that Phyllis Woods might run for re-election as Republican Committeewoman from NH. I guess not; she just announced that she will not be:
I’m writing today to let you know that I will not seek another term as National Committeewoman. I will, of course, continue to be active in this role for the remainder of my term which ends on September 1st. Although I originally intended to only serve these five years, at the urging of others I carefully considered another run. While I have enjoyed serving as your representative on the Republican National Committee, in the end I decided to give someone else an opportunity to serve in this position.
It has been a pleasure to get to know volunteers, committee members, and grassroots activists throughout the state. We have so many dedicated party members who work tirelessly to elect and support our Republican candidates and I have been proud to bring that message back to the RNC.
We continue to enjoy the special honor of holding the first in the nation primary; a process that allows our voters the exclusive benefit of meeting and vetting our candidates on a personal level as they engage in the retail politics that has served our candidates and our country so well. I will continue my work to preserve our primary as a member of the RNC Rules Committee until the end of my term.
I stand in awe and admiration of your passion and dedication as activists, campaign workers, and especially as elected representatives. In greater numbers than any other state, New Hampshire people work on a volunteer basis, often at great personal sacrifice. Our citizens owe you all a debt of gratitude.
It has truly been an honor to represent you and our beautiful state on the national level. I have forged deep friendships and alliances with the many outstanding men and women who serve on the RNC.
I’ve appreciated the support and encouragement you’ve given me throughout my tenure as Committeewoman. Please accept my sincere thanks for allowing me to serve you in this capacity; it has been my great privilege. I look forward to seeing you at our State Committee meeting on April 14th where I can thank you in person.