So, LRGHealthcare, with an expensive build program, now is crying poor mouth?

by Skip

In today’s Laconia Sun (P 8) was this paid ad – snippet here and entire ad after the jump:

LRGHealthcare Closes Primary Care Offices to Medicaid Patients

No later than mid November, the following LRGHealthcare primary care offices will be closed to new and existing patients with Medicaid as their primary coverage…The plan, recently approved by the Board of Trustees, responds to unprecedented financial challenges faced by the organization and other hospitals and healthcare institutions across the state.

…LRGHealthcare has sustained several years of reductions in Medicaid payments, which have resulted in an annual reduction of $4 million….

Recent budget actions by the NH State Legislature further compromise the well-being of healthcare organizations in New Hampshire. We are saddened to have to take this action but, regrettably, have no choice. We intend to assist all patients in making a smooth transition of their records.


Now, what they DIDN’T mention, in recent years, was all of the buying of surrounding or affiliated physician practices, buying (ok, "merging" with) Franklin Hospital, buying the Laconia Clinic, and using the CON Board to bring the the fledgling OPA ‘runaways’ to their knees financially (who had fled to Gilford to set up a competing day surgery practice).  And their failure (big time failure) in trying to run an adult day care for dementia patients.  And just spent $2.6 million knocking down and rebuilding a Meredith facility.  Trust me, they have spent big bucks on facilities and non-competitive activities.  Think Borg ("You will be assimilated") only with a stethoscope. While Medicaid does not cover costs (I will give them that), this is seeming to be a "Washington Monument" moment (which might be better be explained by "Budget cuts? Layoff fire, police, and teachers first – that’ll teach’em").

In fact, they’ve spent plenty in making sure that their marketplace is swept clean of any competition,  as I believe this is payback for what happened at a recent Belknap County Republican meeting when (video to follow) NH Rep. Ken Wyler came to speak about the budget.  Of COURSE, I asked about the CON Board, then Nancy LeRoy complained (as she is a member of the LRGH Board) about payments, and Ken (with the question from Elaine Swinford) talked about some of the "money swashing around".

But ask yourself – BRAND spanking new facilities, worthy (as it says in the Laconia Sun picture) of Boston?

Entire ad:

LRGHealthcare Closes Primary Care Offices to Medicaid Patients

No later than mid November, the following LRGHealthcare primary care offices will be closed to new and existing patients with Medicaid as their primary coverage: Andover Family Practice; Belknap Family Health in Belmont and Meredith; Caring for Women (women’s primary health care); Franklin Internal Medicine; Hillside Family Medicine; Laconia Clinic Laconia, Tilton and Franklin; Lakes Region Family Practice; Moultonboro Family Health; and New Hampton Family Practice. The plan, recently approved by the Board of Trustees, responds to unprecedented financial challenges faced by the organization and other hospitals and healthcare institutions across the state.

Medicaid patients will continue to receive emergency services through the LRGH and FRH emergency rooms. Patients covered by NH Healthy Kids, and those receiving prenatal services at Caring for Women locations will continue to be cared for by their providers. Providers on the medical staff at LRGHealthcare, who are not employed or under contract with LRGHealthcare are independent businesses and must make their own decisions on this issue.

LRGHealthcare has sustained several years of reductions in Medicaid payments, which have resulted in an annual reduction of $4 million. This loss, along with reduced demand for services from a weakened economy, has forced us to adjust staffing levels and consolidate overhead. As a result of these efforts, LRGHealthcare has realized a reduction in expenses of $14 million. However, we continue to be challenged with an operating loss of $4 million.

Recent budget actions by the NH State Legislature further compromise the well-being of healthcare organizations in New Hampshire. We are saddened to have to take this action but, regrettably, have no choice. We intend to assist all patients in making a smooth transition of their records.

In essence, they are lobbying with peoples health. Just like what Obama did as a Community Organizer. Now, I can play the game of "hey, if you are not going to pay the freight, we’ll keep the choo-choo in the barn" and be happy with it.  But Ken has more than a grain of truth in his words and examples, and all one has to do is look at the money spent to buy OPA (a few years ago, and litigate that as well).  And redo Meredith. And the new building addition.  And do we need to start with the paychecks?  Those large non-profits can get rather well compensated – church mice they ain’t.

Accountants are very good at what they do – as one CFO once told me, give me the numbers, tell me the story you want told, and I’ll have those numbers dancing up on the stage.

The video:


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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