ONH (Obamaville New Hampshire) Moves – and other related news

Obamaville Protestes donates to Democrap party

The residents of Obamaville New Hampshire are relocating from Victory Park to Veteran’s Park, according to this morning’s Union Leader.  And the police–and presumably Mayor Gatsas–continue to tolerate their middling presence.  (No, of course they would never let the TEA party do this.) This presence, for whatever it is worth, continues to try and send a message, and in New York at least,that message is "please end all Wall Street Funding to Democrats."

I confess that this is a message I could support.

Thanks to an email petition from Steve Israel and the DCCC, in which the Democrat party announces it’s support for the Obamaville Wall Street(#OWS) protesters, the banking executives who work on Wall Street are staging a protest of their own against the Democrat Party.

(From BigGovernment.com)

The execs asked the lawmakers: “What are you doing? Do you even understand some of the things that they’ve called for?” said another lobbyist with financial services clients who is a former Democratic Senate aide.

C’mon you bankers.  They just want to kill you and torture you and eat you.  You’re going to let support for that keep you from donating money to Democrats and Obama?

Apparently they are.

(Big Government.com)

President Barack Obama and other top Democrats are parroting the anti-corporate rhetoric running through the Occupy Wall Street protests, trying to tap into the movement’s energy but keep the protesters at arms’ length.

But many bankers aren’t buying the distinction. And some financial services lobbyists and industry insiders say the liberal line will make swing givers think twice before opening their checkbooks this year.

“Most Wall Street guys, they feel like they’re going to be burned in effigy,” said Anthony Scaramucci, managing partner of SkyBridge Capital, who gave to Obama in 2008 but is now fundraising for Mitt Romney. Some moderate donors, who have given to both parties, “fled from Obama in his support of the Wall Street protests,” he said.

Obamaville Wall Street has plenty of problems already.  It has connected insiders, big name left wing organizers, paid union thugs, media hacks helping it refine it’s "message," and levels of hypocrisy that even the democrat party have a hard time plumbing for daily public consumption.

But at least something good has finally come of it all, other than that the left is a bunch of unwashed hippie socialists; people who rely on capitalism to create jobs and improve lives, will be keeping more of their money away from a bad investment–the Democrat Party. 


Picture:. "Obamaville protesters make Donation to Democrap Party."

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