Been meaning to put this up for a a bit; you want to know WHY we here at the Grok are in a peevish frame of mind about spending by the Feds? Let this provide a contextual framework to wrap your wallets around:
Senate Democrats have drawn the line at $10 billion in cuts to the budget in this fiscal year, already half-expired.
The national deficit for the month of February was $222.5 billion, or $7.9 billion per day.
Thus, the Democrats’ cuts are sufficient to get the government running even for roughly 30 hours. Those harsh, draconian cuts proposed by the GOP — $61 billion — would have the government running even for about a week.
The CRs, with the Billion dollar cuts (remember when Millions of bucks was a lot of money??) is like bailing a rowboat with a thimble in a raging storm….
(H/T: Campaign Spot)