Update:I almost forgot. While Zandra is lecturing Frank Guinta on his response of not properly correctly someone to her satisfaction, it was brought to my notice that she failed to “properly correct” a commenter on one of her posts at Blue Hampshire that left this:
I would never wish cancer on anyone but I could be convinced in her case.
If you wanna play the Gotcha game, Zandra…
(H/T: Tom)
This past Thursday, Frank Guinta, freshman GOP Representative from NH, had his first town hall meeting in Laconia, NH during his first "district work" week. Before the meeting, the operative question was whether or not Carol Shea-Porter was going to show up, given:
- She used to bird-dog her predecessor’s, Jeb Bradley, meetings during her campaign for that US Congressional seat
- She has made it all but clear she’s probably going to run again.
She didn’t – but we got Progressive political operative / Democrat tracker, Zandra Rice-Hawkins of Granite State Progress (funded out of Colorado – listen to Steve’s "Granite State Progress PSA") instead. We had a PERFECT display of a Progressive / union political operative in full bloom who has no shame in rushing the podium at a sitting Congressman’s meeting (imagine that, after Arizona?) without being asked and then decided to lecture him on "tone and used a citizen’s question "to play for a "gotcha" moment and accused Frank Guinta of being a "Birther".
Conservatives and Republicans, if you see this person at a political meeting, know that she is not your friend (and will chat up those that do not know who she is). As I relayed here (we also talked about this on GrokTALK! this week), before Congressman Guinta finished his meeting, she rushed the podium, waving her smartphone, and started spouting off about "I HAVE THE ANSWERS!". IMHO, she did not like the questions / ideas / answers posed by the person asking about:
- The Davis-Bacon Act (where the Feds set the wage levels for working on Federal projects – the unions LOVE this as it is generally well above the actual local prevailing wage – screwing the taxpayers for a few. Her husband is a union operative).
- A seasoned citizen reading items from the Obamacare law that showed liberty crushing views – Zandra was a BIG SEIU Healthcare Now advocate for universal healthcare.
Note: the SEIU lobbied hard for the bill – now, many of the local SEIU unions have and are seeking waivers from the law they wanted. Why are they being let off the hook for something they spent millions to get enacted?
Then, watch the transformation on her face as she transitions to her gotcha question – she is just so damn proud of herself for setting this up!
So, with this background of typical Liberal behavior (acting rudely, then accusing others of the same), listen to how she tries to come off as a non-partisan person willing to "counsel" him and his staff as to what is and isn’t in Obamacare? It’s one thing to listen to someone who lives in the district – it is another to let the wolf into the hen house (she made no attempt to fully disclose who she is and who / what she represents). Listen, too, how she tries to trap and accuse Frank of being a secret "birther" (someone who believes that Obama is not an American citizen and thus should not be President) simply because he allowed a constituent ask the question and she was unhappy with Guinta’s answer.