All RINO’s and you Democrats who like them…lock the doors!


Old-hand conservative political activist and anti-establishment agitator Sam Pimm is back in town! Read upon on what he’s setting up this time.

Sam says….

Do you know what the New Hampshire "Republican State Committee" is, or what it does? Who the members are? Where they came from and how they got to be members of the committee? No, of course not. Most people don’t. 

The GOP State Committee is the governing body of the Republican Party in New Hampshire. They elect the GOP state party chairman, and all the officers of the party in New Hampshire. They also decide on the policies and rules to run the NH GOP.

But how do people get on the committee? Did you know that any registered Republican in NH can run for a seat on the state committee? Of course not. That’s because the establishment RINO’s who control the state committee don’t want you to know how it’s done! They control the election process by keeping the complex rules a closely held secret. If you don’ t believe me, go to the NH GOP website: Try to find  information about running for the state committee. See? You can’t find it, can you….

However, the Live Free or Die Political Action Committee does want you to know. We’re  holding a free class for Movement Conservatives and Tea Party activists on "How to run for the NH Republican Party State Committee." At the end of the class you too will know what it takes, understand the rules, and be able to run to be a member of the committee.

WHEN?    Saturday, December 4, 2010 AT 11:00 a.m.
WHERE?  "XO on Elm," 827 Elm Street, in Manchester
PARKING? There’s free parking in the Citizens Bank parking garage at the corner of Elm and Manchester Streets

Please join us this Saturday to help advance the conservative takeover of the New Hampshire Republican Party. RSVP us at You’ll be glad you attended!


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