So, the Empire wishes to strike back?

by Skip

Is this a rumor, or is this a plan? 

From a loyal reader that is connected to the GOP (emphasis mine):

I am continually hearing word that a number of the "good old boys" in the GOP are working with the Democrats to put a candidate up against Bill O’Brien on Dec. 1st. …I’ve heard tonight there maybe 60 Republicans in on this

Hmmm, I just posted this and that; I can tell you that if this is really true, the NH GOP may well find out what the Law of Unintended Consequence can truly bring…so, instead acting like a Jack Kimball, Jennifer Horn, John Stephen, or Ovide Lamontagne (who all did the right and honorable thing), are we about to see a NH version of "sore Republican Primary  loser" Lisa Murkowski?

Or worse, wishing to be a "sore winner" like Barney Frank?

OK, Grok readers – a number of you are well ensconced within the Party structure and the "talking groups".  Get the names, we’ll post them up like the RINOs they are.

Flashlight time for the dark corners.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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