Poor taste by associations is suitable grist for the mill so why not ask whether it is appropriate for a government union in a low budget, online political ad to place the pictures of prominent Republicans in an animated grandstand labeled ‘Teabagger’s section?"
That is what the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) has done. (Aside from producing what may be the lowest budget ad I have ever seen.) So would this classify as a crime under the Matthew Shepherd/Pentagon Funding Hate crimes legislation? I mean, this should be insulting to the homosexual community, to have their civil right to ‘Tea-Bag’ ridiculed this way by associating it with evil, right wing, free market hatemongers. And since when is Mike Steele in the Tea Party? He’s not. So are they saying he is a homosexual? What are they trying to say?
And what about the association part? The AFGE donated $10,000.00 dollars to Paul Hodes and $3,000.00 to Carol Shea-Porter, and that just doesn’t seem right. Isn’t Carol the one that actually used the word Teabagger in a sentence? Or did Paul Hodes say it alot when he blew off critical House Votes to hang out at NetRoots? Either way, taking money from a Government union funded by taxpayer dollars, that spreads bigotry, hate and division…
THat says alot about you as a politician..unless you are a hypocrat.
I wonder if we could make a similar animated ad with Ray Buckley and Jim Splaine, and a few others in it, sitting in a grandstand, with a big banner over their heads proclaiming it the "Teabagger section?"
Carol could come out and call them teabaggers, and everyone would giggle…
Probably not?
That sounds like a double standard though doesn’t it?
This ridiculously bad ad is on the jump.