Obama’s unemployment rate

by Skip

The latest numbers are out, and so is the use of the word "Unexpected" with an official unemployment rate of 9.6%.  After how much of Stimulus?

Lots of people will blame President Obama and certainly, he deserves all of the blame and shame that comes with seeking, winning, and using the Office of the Presidency in implementing his set of economic policies. Remember, however, that Democrats have controlled both the US House and the US Senate since 2006 – 4 years.  It is the US House that actually comes up with the tax and spend bills (although the Senate also votes on it and the President gets his say with either his signature or veto).

Thus, here in NH, we get to blame our US House Representatives (that would be Carol Shea-Porter and Paul Hodes) and our US Senator (Jeanne Shaheen) that voted for these economic policies.  Thus, they share in this result NO, THEY OWN THIS RESULT:

Obama Job loss

(H/T: ClusterStock)

What does it mean?  The worst unemployment picture EVAH.  Sure, President Bush started the ball rolling along with the Republicans that voted for his policies at the end of his term.  In effect, it has shown that Government control of the economy with Progressive fundamentals (like Pelosi’s insistence that unemployment checks and food stamps are the biggest boost one can give to an economy).

Under Progressive leadership, with their class hatred…

…wealth envy, and forcing of a collective mindset, the economy has failed many of our citizens.  In effect, Progressives have curtailed Economic Liberty and Freedom.  The time of blaming Bush is all but past – the Democrats OWN this economy.  You can bet your bottom dollar (and that may be all that we all have left as China may soon be supplying our currency soon) that if the economy was even meeting the 100,000 new jobs needed every month JUST TO STAND STILL statistically, they’d be all over it and trumpeting it until our ears fell off.

If true, they should also be accepting responsibility for the mistakes they have made.

And make no mistake, the DOW surge is not due to the info above – I’m no stock broker and I do not play one in the blogosphere, but the market is seemingly pricing in the ramifications of a huge Republican win in November.

The Democrats are not owing up to their responsibility – I can only pray that the Republicans have learned from past failures of theirs when in power last. 

The Recession started in December 2007 and has been declared over by the NABE in June 2009.  Just remember, we were told that the Stimulus was to forestall this kind of result shown above.  If one matches that up with the dates of Porkulus spending, ask yourself a question: Obama has now unleashed $3.4 Trillion of debt on us for……what result?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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