Filed under Hypocrisy
For all of the vaunted "tolerance" demanded by the Left, if nothing else, the curtain has been yanked aside and the smoke has been drawn out of the room by NPR’s firing of Juan Williams for speaking what millions feel inside. As a frequent flier for decades, after 9/11 you BET that I looked at every person coming onto the plane – unless you are a sheeple and will accept any multiculti stream of pap thrown at you, I can tell you that *I* was scanned by everyone else as well. Why?
Families at home – "Let’s roll!". When confronted by a threat, most Americans will weigh the odds and then respond. From those on the Left (or those that of the CAIR persuasion), I point out Jesse Jackson’s and Obama’s own words – it is human nature to evaluate threats.
But I digress – Political Correctness will be the death of this nation. The organized march to control, not only speech, but actual thoughts, are the end game. For simply expressing a personal fear, Juan was cashiered. Further, there are those on the Left, are demanding another scalp – how tolerant!

(H/T: John)
The Right? Well, there the head of NRP, Vivian Schiller, who said that Juan’s outburst should be between him and his psychiatrist – how Stalinist of her? I’d make an exception there.
All I ask is that MY tax monies no longer be used by a quasi-governmental entity to argue and advocate against my beliefs…
Hiding behind "policy"? The Left is ALSO all about and over "equality". All I ask is "what about equality and the application of policy "equal handedness" for Juan AND Nina Totenberg?
Too often, the Left only gets one part right of that old adage concerning Goose and Gander….
Oh yeah, that’s on purpose, isn’t it? Not to worry, I will be even handed here – many Republicans, especially the old guard / establishment ones, do the same thing. Some of the have already had their punishment handed to them…
Others? There’s 2012 primaries…