…that they are in favor of the Federal Government (er, that would be the Obama Administration) the way it is. Only 10% used words that connote "good" while 18% basically said "meh?" (older generation translation as Vice President Joe "Bite Me" Biden (D) might put it: "Not a BFD". In other words – they didn’t care.
Which means that 7 out of 10, 70% of the 981 people polled, answered that the Federal Government IS TOO BIG
Back to a Joe Biden translation: "It is TOO MUCH of a BFD!!!!!"
Hey, Dean at Blue Hampshire, look what your ideology has wrought: back in August, only 56% would have said that!
Gee, in a perverse sorta way (describing Progressivism, it fits), Obama finally made a poll number actually go up!
Progressives just don’t seem to understand that the ordinary citizen has been taught, by them, the following truism:
The Bigger the Government, the smaller the citizen.
Unlike Progressives who love the first clause, the people are showing that they aren’t liking being put into the second clause all that well.
Heartburn, I s’pose…