Having lived under Communism and knows what a centralized planning society, Vaclav Havel knows of which he speaks with this warning for America as Obama takes it towards that State (H/T: The Corner):
The government has embraced an arrogant ideology. They claim to know the key to prosperity. It’s analogous to communism. They thought the same thing. The clever ones – themselves – would run everything. That’s the analogy. The key to prosperity is to let things run themselves. We’ll liberalize everything, let everyone look after himself, let business, not the state, run the economy. The state should have no views, no policies of its own. Just open it all up, step back, let it go and you’ll see how well everything will work if we just leave things alone.
- it is not about intentions
- it is not about simply "caring’
- it is not about ideology
It IS about results and accountability (something that Progressives / Liberals / Democrat never want you to think about…
(H/T: Clusterstock)
Problem is, with the current blinders on, President Obama will be continuing his Determined Weakness policies. So, what’s the prediction of recovery?

(H/T: Investors)
Yeah, that looks like traditional American recoveries, right?
November is coming – I can smell it now….