Democrat John “Do Nuttin'” Lynch – the spotlight is on you….

by Skip

Sure, as Steve points out, he decries the ‘out of state’ groups now arrayed against him – even as he sought out the ‘out of state’ gay money to keep himself in money.  Looks like this John is simply caught in a lie.

And, as Americans for Prosperity is pointing out, not exactly making it safer for us on the street:

Former MA Democrat Governor Michael Dukakis had his Willy Horton moment – in a pique of "Liberal compassion" (remember the Progressive mantra – "there are no bad people, just people justifiably angry that society has done them wrong"), he let a convicted murderer out on a furlough who then turned around and killed again.

Is Lynch setting up a similar deal now, having supported and boosted NH’s SB 500 that allows release of serious criminals?  Letting convicted sex offenders out early?  Recidivism rates for this class of criminal don’t show a whole lot of comfort for the rest of us.

In this case, AFP has it right.  Steve has it right.  Time to hold Lynch to account.  Unemploy him is the right consequence – after all, he works for us!

Transcript of the ad after the jump along with the Press Release:

Looks like the days of Lynch’s habit of flying under the political radar are over.  Like many before him, his hubris of believing he could skate safely through the election without being touched is showing is being tattered from several directions…good! 

Press Release:

WINDHAM? Americans for Prosperity (AFP), a grassroots free-market group, today released a thirty second television ad educating voters on Governor John Lynch’s spending priorities.  The ad, dubbed “Lynch’s Priorities”, highlights the Governor’s strong and unwavering support for SB 500.

According to the Union Leader, Governor Lynch personally urged lawmakers to pass SB 500, a bill allowing people who have been convicted of serious crimes — sex offenses, serious assaults, murders in some cases – to be released from prison early without any supervision.

“Because of the continued out of control spending in Concord, Governor Lynch is compromising public safety in order to balance the state budget,” said, Corey R. Lewandowski, State Director of Americans for Prosperity New Hampshire.  “Budgeting is all about priorities and Governor Lynch letting sex offenders out of jail early is not only wrong, its out of touch with the priorities of the hard working men and women of this state,” Lewandowski continued. 


Announcer:  Budgeting is about setting priorities and cutting wasteful spending, not public safety.

John Lynch’s Priorities? Urging lawmakers to pass a bill mandating early parole for prisoners, violent criminals including sexual predators.

Today sexual predators are being released into New Hampshire communities.

Lynch says New Hampshire is “safer.”  Safer?

Why would John Lynch sign a law giving sexual predators and violent criminals early parole?

Call John Lynch.  Tell him to balance the budget without raising taxes, or compromising public safety.

Americans for Prosperity is responsible for the content of this advertising.


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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