Again, from an email thread based on an assertion that "Christian Fundamentalists" could be treated similarly as Marxists (as both can be viewed as totalitarian). My take? Not so much, and not so fast, for if you eliminate God…
I will quickly, and only briefly (as I have a jam packed day today and do NOT have the time to attend to this subject properly) wade in here.
I think it totally appropriate to bring "the God thing" into the conversation, and my eyebrows crawled a couple inches up my forehead at the phrase "Christian Fundamentalists", as normally that is used as a pejorative when brought into the political arena.
Indeed – the Left is working its tail off to try to take it off the political table. They know that it is a bedrock of traditional Americana – remove that brick from the wall of Traditional Values, and it only becomes a WHEN and not an IF that we will (not may, will) lose the bedrock supposition of our Republic.
Yet, I think MORE talk of THE First Principle must happen – that our Rights stem from God. The secular Left (and many on the Right) wish to suppress that discussion. The Left does because then they have to acknowledge that they and Government are NOT the absolute entities they believe themselves to be or should be – and thus, free to make decisions for the rest of us "without a controlling legal authority" as Al Gore once put it. And if they continue to sever that relationship, they will have more and more leverage to continue their Progressive march towards complete Socialism – a God-less based society and a replacement of an internal law based society with more and more of a external law based society.
And they are on their way, make no mistake about it! When a federal judge can blithely, in an attempt to institute homosexual marriage in California and sweep a boilerplate of Christian orthodoxy in that "gender plays no role in marriage".
topic and belongs solely in the realm of "the redneck Republicans" who also cling to their guns. Believe in it? Yeah, but only in private situation – and frown on us that believe it to be important not only in our personal lives but in our public ones as well.
And when either makes their pronouncement on such, it further alienates those of us of faith…after all "free expression of religion" and all that…
And every time they do, they close the door, inadvertently, on that First Principle. For when one removes God from the picture, there is nothing that prevents the mob (or those manipulating the mob) from defining what is a Right and what is an entitlement.
But remember – Progressives DO see themselves as capable as God in making decisions for the rest of us – instead of respecting that it is between God and the individual.