Is this what the Founders wished?

by Skip

This is often the case:

Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

And John at Powerline has some stats to go along with this.  Certainly, this IS all about what the original intent was – and it was about the immediate after effect of slavery.  It was not meant was a backdoor for families illegally entering the United States, "drop a baby", and leave.

The fact: it happens.  For that reason.  Is that right?  Ask your self – what is at stake?  Leftists will argue that birth = American.  How DARE we punish children for the sins of the parents?  But what is the consequence?

Exactly the right argument – it IS correct to lay the sin on the parents!  It is they that decided to enter illegally the country.  It is they that decided that the prize, American Citizenship for their offspring, the prize of living here in the United States was worth that risk of breaking the law. I have no problem in carrying out the consequence of that decision and that action – if you choose to disobey the law, regardless of the time you have spent here, YOU made a decision on behalf of your children.  Deliberately.  With forethought.  And I would say, with malice.  And for all of the cries of "you are splitting up a family" when the parents are caught, judged guilty, and deported, this IS simply the logical consequence of a bad action.  In essence, they wish to transpose a moral hazard and wrong for them into what appears to be a moral dilemma for others.  Simply, a smoke for mirrors.

In coming here and contravening our laws concerning legal immigration, and demanding that we give you all the rights and benefits of citizenship merely because you timed the birth of your child "just right", you have cheapened the value of American citizenship.  Polls have shown that many are here NOT because of the ideals on which America was born but simply because they can get a job and send money home.

Who likes to be "used"?

Not many, I would wager, as the process of being used means that someone has obtained gain at your benefit or to your  detriment (a financial or psychological one).  In either case, there is something that they wanted, could not get in an easier fashion or otherwise could not get it, period.  They have effectively used you as a stepping stone, showing no consideration for you as a person – the ultimate disrespect. 

The practice  of Anchor babies by illegals is "using" our laws – showing utter disdain for that American Citizenship that depends on a belief in the Rule of Law.  

The Left seems to be ok with this – no one wonders why.

(H/T: Powerline


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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